Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Excuse My Use of Strong Letters
I have no intention of writing anything related to the title of this blog so don't get your hopes up. They just give me a box to fill and I oblige.
I have a beef pot pie in the microwave at the moment. I am awaiting its warming completion with great anticipation. When I was just a lad, I did not appreciate pot pies. I have no idea why. I just remember not liking them one time. I would not even know I was little except I can picture the house it was in and I have not lived there for like 14 years.
Every time I go to Google Chrome's recent favorites page and click on the picture of this web site, I do so with the hope that someone other than me has posted. I say, it must be a real thrill to be able to come here and read something that someone you know personally has written just for you to read. Maybe someday I will know how you are feeling right now. I am writing this just for you you know. Personalized media.
Pot pie is done. Time to start the memories.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Just now I was wondering to myself if gum goes bad. I looked at the back of the pack I was currently chewing a piece of and found that it was best by September 30, 2009.
I'm thinking...I'm thinking...I'm thinking...
I'll tell you what's a matter of life and death, that beautiful lady over there.
Hey baby, check out the gun show going on over here. BOOM BOOM! Firepower!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Look What I did Today
I had a really productive afternoon. Actually, this was more like early evening. Okay, so it is still going on. See if you can follow this conversation...
Katelyn Michalak
alright, here's the answer: I wasn't talking about anyone. This was a question my roommate posed to me in a failed attempt to figure out what I'm afraid of.
Eric Michalak
I didn't really care
Katelyn Michalak
i wasn't talking to you then, mr. pompous.
Eric Michalak
Did you know that some birds in Africa have to jump to get above the elephant grass they live in and watching them do that is really funny?
Katelyn Michalak
Did you know that Alexander Bell got a patent for the telephone in 1876?
Eric Michalak
Watching lions drink is also high on my list of favorite things to do
Katelyn Michalak
speaking of drinking... are you?
Eric Michalak
Infrared lights are sick. They just glow red, but on special cameras they are just like flood lights. Sa-weet!
Katelyn Michalak
sometimes when I'm laying in bed completely sober my bed starts spinning around and I have to open my eyes so I don't fall off or throw up.
Eric Michalak
Birds of Paradise are freaky and do weird things with their heads.
Katelyn Michalak
I've worn a different pair of shoes everyday this week and they've all given me blisters on different spots on my feet.
Eric Michalak
People look at you weird when you carry tuning forks through the rain.
Katelyn Michalak
When a horse gets going the wrong way during a race horse and runs straight into another horse at a combined seventy miles an hour, horses get kilt and jockeys get comafied.
Eric Michalak
I take naps every day then can't fall asleep at night and am then tired in the morning.
Katelyn Michalak
If you ever rescue someone whose been in the ocean for a few days be real careful when you pull them in the boat, because their skin is liable to come right off their bodies.
Eric Michalak
Male gliding leaf frogs jump out of trees and use their feet as parachutes.
Katelyn Michalak
Joe Jonas is a lot cuter now that he got a hair cut.
Eric Michalak
Half of the rain that falls in the Amazon comes from clouds produced by trees.
Katelyn Michalak
Elephants cannot run.
Eric Michalak
Fungus creeps me out beyond belief.
Katelyn Michalak
i just ate five servings of honey roasted macadamias. That's what's for dinner, The Beef Checkoff!
Eric Michalak
I'm glad there are no species of fungus that infect humans and burst out of their heads.
Katelyn Michalak
the biggest organism on earth is a fungus living three feet below ground in Oregon. It's covers over 2000 acres and is 2500 years old.
Eric Michalak
Carnivorous plants are awesome. How big is a hectare?
Katelyn Michalak
I don't like things that can be frozen for hundreds of years or drifting around in space then come back to life. It is equal to 100 acres. It's metric unit of square measure.
Eric Michalak
I have spent more than an hour watching planet earth and waiting for you to respond so I can say something unrelated.
Katelyn Michalak
i was going to ask you if you were watching that but i was having more fun having a convo that made zero sense. I feel bad for everyone who commented.
Eric Michalak
Read my blog recently?
So I just had a thought. Why do elephants have wrinkles living in dry climates and whales have smooth skin?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Little Caesars LIED to us! They LIEDDDDDD!!! I did not, in fact, have a delicious five dollar hot-n-ready pizza for dinner tonight. Instead I had a BOX of Chicken Bellflower pasta that I will prolly die a year early from eating! I can feel the future heart attack already building. Back to the anger. I am not going to be able to sleep tonight due to the shear voluminouness of my anger. There is a lot of it. I may not even go back tomorrow to see if they are open then. I might just wait until Thursday...lunch...that'll show 'em.
I had a topic that I was going to use here as a break in the rant, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. My rage wiped my short term memory. Maybe it was something about Shiny Toy Guns. I really like the song they have in the new Lincoln commercial. Relatedly, Major Tom seems like a cool guy, its too bad about his fateful voyage.
I heard today that some people who watch Avatar end up with depression. The story goes that they fall in love with the idealized planet and way of life of the Navii. They then return to their pitiful meaningless lives a little less fulfilled than they were before they dropped a Hamilton and a half to see a 3-D movie. I suggest they deal with it. Pop a few more pills you crazies, and be happy that the real world is not more like the movies. I for one saw the movie and still feel fine. EXCEPT FOR MY LACK OF CHEAP WONDERFUL PIZZA!!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
No me gusta
So, it's been nearly four days of the semester, and I've only had one class. One was cancelled, the other one was Spanish.
I hate the Spanish Department.
I'm not taking a foreign language because I find it super-intriguing or culturally stimulating (although it is), no, the core of why I take Spanish is because I have to in order to graduate. I doubt I'll ever have to know beyond high school Spanish in order to communicate with someone I may run into--I don't plan on working abroad in a Spanish-speaking country. Bottom line: the Spanish Department seems to think very highly of themselves. Things which are normally and conveniently done online must be done in paper only. They don't list who is teaching a course until you are already attending, making finding an "easy" professor much more difficult. In general, I just dislike them.
Moving on...I have a cold. Yesterday was spent lounging around doing hardly anything. I would've liked to get my room picked up (it's still a mess from moving back from break) and some laundry done. Neither of these things happened because my body decided to become lightheaded upon standing. No me gusta.
In better news, I'm getting geared up to go visit a few grad schools. I'm still a little surprised that the University of Michigan is flying me from Dayton to Detroit...but whatever. I watched "Up in the Air" last night with Pat, and I couldn't help but think about all the traveling I'll be doing. I figure I'll start collecting miles now.
24 hour clock
I am a strong proponent of going to a 24hour time system. This is mostly due to the fact that I am not capable of checking to see if my alarm is set to AM or PM when I set it at night and it is usually wrong. As a result of this I woke up 20 minutes before my first class today. This happened to also be noon. I could have very well slept right through my class. Luckily I am on pretty good terms with the Big Man and I got an urge to check what time it was at a highly opportune moment.
Little Caesars is supposed to open today. I think that will be dinner if the rumor is true.
Matt, finish that damn post or I am going to publish it myself. I can do that you know. I feel like I am the only contributor to this thing. I can't keep the 20 people who ever read our blog entertained on my own here.
P.S. I am posting this at 14:40
So I just made a pointless poll that you should all contribute to and I was frustrated to realize that my purposeful misspellings were not tolerated by the Google Poll Police. Bah
Monday, January 18, 2010
Good News!
It turns out that Sharpie is not all that permanent on bare skin. This is good news, because despite being a lovely girl, I do not want to have Wedzikowski on my arm forever. Thank you Matt Smola. In other news, someone was a little more intoxicated when they wrote the second name I happen to have on my arm, cause I have no idea what any of the letters are but M.
So the idea was that we both have Polish last names and were talking about that fact when Matt decided to make remembering them easy for Facebook purposes. Matt, being a gentleman, did not want to write with a permanent marker on a ladies arm. So he wrote her name on me...and then must have found another name to write later. It was special.
I am currently watching The Hangover. It is a very funny movie.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Canadian Idiot
I have a new favorite Weird Al song. Its called Canadian Idiot. One of the best lines goes: Maple syrup and snowplows they export, treat curling like its a real sport.
I wish the moving pictures were more like the restaurants in Oxford. I like almost every place to eat in this town, and that is saying a lot. If I actually spent time on these posts I could give you an alphabetical list of my favorite places ad then I could list them in order of how much I like them. Since I am not Matt Smola, I will leave it at that. Also, I was just making the point that I like a lot of restaurants here as an antithesis to my point about movies. What was I saying?
The vast majority of movies I have seen recently(a relative term) have been tremendous disappointments. Inglorious Basterds was dumb and long and pretty much excruciating. Watchmen was dumb and long and involved way too much large nakedness. Burn After Reading was just dumb. Avatar was really good. I like Sherlock Holmes too. Robert Downey Jr can do no wrong in my mind after IRONMAN. Possibly my favorite movie ever.
I have no idea what this post is about. Hope you got something out of it.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I'm Rich
Miami sent me my check in the mail yesterday. I am rich. I think I might buy a new car, or maybe go on a month long vacation to the tropics, or maybe I'll pay my rent. I have not decided yet.

I learned something interesting yesterday in one of my classes (yes, I think this was a first). I learned the origin of the phrase "going balls out". Surprisingly this phrase is not a reference to running around without pants. Although lecture may have been a little more colorful if it was. It is actually talking about the very first governing device on the very first steam engine. The more steam came through the engine, the faster the device would spin and the farther out the balls would go. At a certain point, they would release a lever stopping the flow of steam until the engine had slowed. Sorry about the picture, resizing is not happening today for some reason.
I was thinking about this Sulley Sullinburger Sallinhiem fellow. Everyone hails him as some sort of hero. You know what I heard he did? I heard he crashed an $80 million jet airliner. If I did that I would be killed. Not by the crash jokesters, I played flight simulator when I was little.
In other news, I beat minesweeper on expert yesterday. Sorry Katelyn, looks like you will have to try and beat anonymous on someone else's computer.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
You Think I'm Bad
I have been told I am mean and insensitive. To put things in perspective, my little seven year old sister recently made a rather heartless comment. She was watching The Biggest Loser and announced "I love to watch fat people cry".
While I was at Wal-Mart today a guy came on the PA announcing that a customer needed help at the fish tank. When he had finished he said thank you...thank you very much
That's all I got for now. Last semester starts tomorrow!
Monday, January 4, 2010
"I've never ridden on an elevator before!" (3 of 3)
So once we all reluctantly rise on January 1st 2010 to face the New Year, we decide that the best thing we could do would be to venture out in to the freezing weather and explore Chicago!
(minus Thad and Audree who sadly left us)
Molly really wanted to show us Loyola's campus (and we wanted to see it too) so we ventured out that way and froze our asses off on what was probably the best campus tour we could have asked for in 5 degree weather. We had way to much fun playing in the nativity scene and then headed to a coffee house to warm up and pee (which led to many interesting conversations.
After I promised Molly I would not complain about the cold (which I didn't) we all traveled in to the heart of the city. We walked the Magnificent Mile, explored Millennium Park and Matt Smola took a lot of pictures. Naturally we had to stop at Millennium Park and play at the bean for a long time. Molly climbed on my shoulders, we took some amazing pictures, overall no big deal. As it was getting cold and we had dinner resevations we decided to head over to State Street to show the OhioansMacy's Marshall Fields at Christmas. We traveled up to the 8th floor to view the Christmas
Tree in the Walnut Room which Molly quickly explained was actually a real Evergreen/Redwood crossbread with real live tinsel and a real star on top taken down from the sky. On the way back down, Molly then informed as all "I've never ridden on an elevator before!" at which the store employee riding with us become shocked and exclaimed "Girrrrl, you serious!?!?" it was good laughs all around. Now completely frozen we all traveled back to Molly's apartment and meet up with Ed before we traveled to Uncommon Ground for dinner. The food was amazing though the best part had to be getting Molly to leave her number for a waiter. After he found constant excuses to walk by our table and deliver our check ever know he was not our waiter, we knew it was fate (or was that after he pointed at Molly and she just stared back dumbfounded.) Anyways, we were all great wingmen, other than Matt Smola who interuppted thier conversation to shove out check in his face - Rude! Matt remained ignorant to what he had done.
So we traveled back from dinner a
nd when we reached the train we had an epic moment where Ed could not get through the gate to pay and Molly's hand slipped away as the train pulled off. Ed and I were left behind, but not worry we were soon joined by "WallStreet Q" who kept us entertained with his stories of how he attempts to pick up Loyola girls etc etc - we quickly ran on to a train car that he was not entering and everyone was reunited (and Ed and I were still alive).
We made it back to Molly's, sat around, came up with some great answers to the game Things and around 12:30AM thought there was no better thing to do than start drinking and so we did. More dancing ensued, Molly climbed into the window (again), played with the broken window screen and Molly also decided to spray us all in face with whip cream. Oh well :-)
The next day Adam, Austin and Matt traveled back to Ohio and I went home to change and stuff cause turns out the rest of us did not have enough of each other. So I went back to Molly's, Ed joined us and we just sat around for the rest of the night to recover from the shit show that was the last two days. Molly and I overtook facebook and freaked out when we realized Loyola and Miami have the same spring break.(We also used Ed to harass other people on Facebook) and then we just sat around and enjoyed it all and laughed at pictures of course. Life was good and there was no better way to wrap that one up. Without a doubt a very successful New Year something!

Molly really wanted to show us Loyola's campus (and we wanted to see it too) so we ventured out that way and froze our asses off on what was probably the best campus tour we could have asked for in 5 degree weather. We had way to much fun playing in the nativity scene and then headed to a coffee house to warm up and pee (which led to many interesting conversations.
After I promised Molly I would not complain about the cold (which I didn't) we all traveled in to the heart of the city. We walked the Magnificent Mile, explored Millennium Park and Matt Smola took a lot of pictures. Naturally we had to stop at Millennium Park and play at the bean for a long time. Molly climbed on my shoulders, we took some amazing pictures, overall no big deal. As it was getting cold and we had dinner resevations we decided to head over to State Street to show the Ohioans

So we traveled back from dinner a

We made it back to Molly's, sat around, came up with some great answers to the game Things and around 12:30AM thought there was no better thing to do than start drinking and so we did. More dancing ensued, Molly climbed into the window (again), played with the broken window screen and Molly also decided to spray us all in face with whip cream. Oh well :-)
The next day Adam, Austin and Matt traveled back to Ohio and I went home to change and stuff cause turns out the rest of us did not have enough of each other. So I went back to Molly's, Ed joined us and we just sat around for the rest of the night to recover from the shit show that was the last two days. Molly and I overtook facebook and freaked out when we realized Loyola and Miami have the same spring break.(We also used Ed to harass other people on Facebook) and then we just sat around and enjoyed it all and laughed at pictures of course. Life was good and there was no better way to wrap that one up. Without a doubt a very successful New Year something!
Things that confirm your life is going downhill...(2 of 3)
...babies, sex slaves and herpes are all acceptable answers.
So not shockingly at the last second we managed to all figure out out New Years plans and got ready as Matt Smola, Molly Dull, Adam Harris and Austin Fast converged on Chicago to meet Audree, Thad, Ed and I. Naturally a shitshow ensued - as Molly Dull aptly pointed out. I got a call from Molly on the morning of the 31st to inform me that she left her apartment keys about 100 miles behind her at home in Ohio - but not to worry, her landlord was leaving the keys (how misguided we were). I think I went back to bed after that call.
Anyways Molly, Austin and Matt arrive at my house - oh yeah Adam got a speeding ticket on his way from Ohio so he might be running a little late - and entertain themselves with adorable baby pictures of me. After Audree, Thad and Adam all finally showed up, we went onward to the grocery store and bought a shit ton of food and
alchohol (which fits in perfectly with the shitshow that would follow) and then traveled onward to Molly Dull's apartment! YEAH!
BOOM! So we arrived at Molly's and oh wait none of the keys seem to work and it is about 6 degrees out. After trying both the back and front door and finding only 2 or the 4 keys we need to make this happen we start getting desperate and Molly calls for the screen to be cut and let's just break in to her apartment - it has been close to an hour! And at the same time that we cut the screen (unnecessary), Austin finds the right key to get us in to the apartment, we go through with the break in anyways so it is not a complete waste.
We get in, Ed and two of Molly's friends join us, we cook some awesome dinner (We all gots skill) and proceed to drink our way through copious amounts of alcohol that assures we are all in a good place to ring in the New Year twice (well most of us since Ed is lame and leaves). We tried to play some games in vain - even though Audree insists on reading the directions to mainly herself - ventured upstairs to meet the ragers above us - watched some people vomit - danced on every stable and unstable surface at Molly's - went bowling in the hallway - fought with and over noise makers and played some epic rounds of tequilla hammer (not in that order at all but it all happened) and then passed out late in the night or was it early morning?

So not shockingly at the last second we managed to all figure out out New Years plans and got ready as Matt Smola, Molly Dull, Adam Harris and Austin Fast converged on Chicago to meet Audree, Thad, Ed and I. Naturally a shitshow ensued - as Molly Dull aptly pointed out. I got a call from Molly on the morning of the 31st to inform me that she left her apartment keys about 100 miles behind her at home in Ohio - but not to worry, her landlord was leaving the keys (how misguided we were). I think I went back to bed after that call.
Anyways Molly, Austin and Matt arrive at my house - oh yeah Adam got a speeding ticket on his way from Ohio so he might be running a little late - and entertain themselves with adorable baby pictures of me. After Audree, Thad and Adam all finally showed up, we went onward to the grocery store and bought a shit ton of food and
BOOM! So we arrived at Molly's and oh wait none of the keys seem to work and it is about 6 degrees out. After trying both the back and front door and finding only 2 or the 4 keys we need to make this happen we start getting desperate and Molly calls for the screen to be cut and let's just break in to her apartment - it has been close to an hour! And at the same time that we cut the screen (unnecessary), Austin finds the right key to get us in to the apartment, we go through with the break in anyways so it is not a complete waste.
We get in, Ed and two of Molly's friends join us, we cook some awesome dinner (We all gots skill) and proceed to drink our way through copious amounts of alcohol that assures we are all in a good place to ring in the New Year twice (well most of us since Ed is lame and leaves). We tried to play some games in vain - even though Audree insists on reading the directions to mainly herself - ventured upstairs to meet the ragers above us - watched some people vomit - danced on every stable and unstable surface at Molly's - went bowling in the hallway - fought with and over noise makers and played some epic rounds of tequilla hammer (not in that order at all but it all happened) and then passed out late in the night or was it early morning?

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Sometimes this is all you need (1 of 3)
This has been a great winter break and I can confidently say the best New Years 3 day marathon I could have asked for (and yes for 2010 I resolve to blog more so fear not Apt 212 is not going far).
After was with out a doubt the worst semester of my collegiate career - though I can not over look the countless positives that managed to keep me going as I struggled through - and a rough finals week where I dragged on beaten to submission, I made it out alive (as did my grades - though some of them just barely and that is not understating the fact).
I immediately jetted off the Washington DC to visit Katie (who until this year had been my next door neighbor since we were 3) and meet up with my friend Allison who was also tripping it out there. Despite the fact that we happened to be in DC during what turned out to be the largest snow storm in like the last 800 years and the entire city shut down completely for 2 days (though on Saturday we did manage to find one of the only open bars and did it justice) -it was a hella lot of fun to say the least. I can not wait to go back since I did not get to see everything I had hoped to, though we had a good time otherwise.
Came back to Chi-city on the 22nd (oh yeah while I was gone someone ransacked my luggage and I had to spend a bunch of time closing bank accounts and protecting my identity - fun!) and tried to start sorting out my life (I am still working on that task). The Christmas Holidays were good with the family and I enjoyed getting time to reconnect with all of my cousins and stuff since I had not seen everyone in a good year. Overall a lot of fun! And then it snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed in Chicago, had a friends 21st birthday and I traveled downtown to walk around and explore some on my own for a break and meet up with a friend of mine - all which was good.
Otherwise, I had been trying to do a lot of sorting out, ordering and figuring out stuff in my own life so hopefully I can be at a better place when this semester starts and have fun and enjoy myself. I came to realize that I pushed away too much of what makes me happy and suffered a lot for no good reason. Lesson learned - time to ring in the New Year! Which by the way I have been waiting all break for this moment to happen!
Peace in the New Year!
After was with out a doubt the worst semester of my collegiate career - though I can not over look the countless positives that managed to keep me going as I struggled through - and a rough finals week where I dragged on beaten to submission, I made it out alive (as did my grades - though some of them just barely and that is not understating the fact).
I immediately jetted off the Washington DC to visit Katie (who until this year had been my next door neighbor since we were 3) and meet up with my friend Allison who was also tripping it out there. Despite the fact that we happened to be in DC during what turned out to be the largest snow storm in like the last 800 years and the entire city shut down completely for 2 days (though on Saturday we did manage to find one of the only open bars and did it justice) -it was a hella lot of fun to say the least. I can not wait to go back since I did not get to see everything I had hoped to, though we had a good time otherwise.
Came back to Chi-city on the 22nd (oh yeah while I was gone someone ransacked my luggage and I had to spend a bunch of time closing bank accounts and protecting my identity - fun!) and tried to start sorting out my life (I am still working on that task). The Christmas Holidays were good with the family and I enjoyed getting time to reconnect with all of my cousins and stuff since I had not seen everyone in a good year. Overall a lot of fun! And then it snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed in Chicago, had a friends 21st birthday and I traveled downtown to walk around and explore some on my own for a break and meet up with a friend of mine - all which was good.
Otherwise, I had been trying to do a lot of sorting out, ordering and figuring out stuff in my own life so hopefully I can be at a better place when this semester starts and have fun and enjoy myself. I came to realize that I pushed away too much of what makes me happy and suffered a lot for no good reason. Lesson learned - time to ring in the New Year! Which by the way I have been waiting all break for this moment to happen!
Peace in the New Year!
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