Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Highlgiths of Seder (Whatever that is)
Yes, I miss-spelled highlights, get over it
Now, on to the post: (these are going to be quotes by the way, I am relying on Matt to post the gist of the story...I know, Lord help us all)
1: Mike heard someone mention a name, this was his response: "There will be no mention of Jesus!"
2: Nick held up the stuffed lamb that the leg came from and announced: "This is what happens when you steal!"
3: Andy said this, I'm not sure in relation to what: "God poisons everything!" we all continued to drink our wine.
4: Hannah pointed out that there were more Catholics than Jews at the Seder, my response: There are more Catholics than Jews in most places.
5: Leave comments. I am still toast and trying to type. I can't remember any more. The only other thing I can think about is George Sedering too hard. And Sam yelling about wine...and Pat pouring a natty into his wine glass...and me winning at wine=pong against Matt...and Ben and Mike picking out the 'good' parts to read from the Maxwell House Seder book.
Time for bed. Hope Easter is as wonderful as this Seder dinner has been. Much love to all in attendance and to those who were missed.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Negative Nancy!
I would like to begin this post by thanking my loyal readers for their appreciation of Iron Man. It is beyond fantastic.
However, of late I have become painfully aware of the vast quantities of negative energy that fill the people around me. I say I am going to win the lottery, I hear "Eric, you are stupid, no one wins the lottery" I say I am going to see how many consecutive days I can eat Little Caesars, I hear "Eric, your body is going to hate you." I don't care! Let me consume a gallon of grease if I want to! I'm sick of your gosh darn negativity!
With that having been said, I am going to win a Mazda 3 tomorrow and five grand on Wednesday.
But seriously. Lets run this down. Granted, the Little Caesars thing was just me wanting to eat delicious food for as long as I could (I made it 4 days). But the other things? They cost me no money, and I have a shot at wonderful things! For perhaps two minutes of my day I have as good a shot as anyone in the world at winning $500, or $10,000 or even $1.25Million! And I don't do anything! I also have a shot at a car tomorrow like I said, and 100 grand tax free* at the end of April, or even 3.7 Million in the next few months!
So you all can continue to doubt if you'd like, but I personally am going to keep my hopes up.
Plus Iron Man comes out in a month and everything else pretty much pales in comparison.
*They also pay out the amount needed to cover taxes.
Monday, March 29, 2010
I'm Going to Be A Food Lion Shopper?!
In recent news, I've decided to go to UNC for grad school! There are several imminent consequences of this decision, and I've sorted them into good and bad:
+Warm weather more often than I'm used to.
+It's a new place I'm not very familiar with.
+Badass research.
+I'm going to make money.
+Bountiful busing.
-I'll have to shop at Food Lion.
That last one's a doozy, so I'll just leave it at that. I once went into a Food Lion (grocery store) and swore I'd never return. I don't remember why, but it's ingrained in my psyche that Food Lion=Danger/Bad. That being said, it'll be one of many adjustments. This post was short. Maybe Eric will read the whole thing. Doubtful.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Iron Man 2
Have you seen the trailers for this thing? AWWEEESSOOMMEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks even better than the original. Lets run through some of the pros (cause there are no cons to run through)
1: What's his name, former guy who played friend is out, Don Cheadle (!!!) is in. This can only be good. I feel like Don fills the bill of Rhody's character better anyway, the other dude was kind of a whiner.
2. On a related note, Rhody gets a suit! The suit is called WarMachine, and just the name gives me chills. I can only imagine the ridiculousness. Actually that's a lie, some of the ridiculousness is in the trailer and teaser.
3. More of Ms Pots. And to think I actually didn't like her the first time I saw the film. I retract those feelings with conviction.
4. Scarlett is in this movie! As if they tapped into my subconscious trying to figure out how to make this one better than the last! She is so choice. Absolutely fantastic. I can't wait.
5. I am Tony Stark
6. He has an IronMan suit in a briefcase! Its flipping sweet! I am running out of enthusiastic adjectives! AAHHHHHHH!!!!!!
7. I will be graduated when it comes out so I can just sit in the theater all day!
I just watched the trailer in HD. I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight.
Monday, March 22, 2010
All of my posts are about my dreams
So I had a dream last night. This happens relatively often. This dream was much like many others I have had. I wonder if there is some reason why my sub-conscious enjoys having me be involved in car chases and get shot at. It happens all the time. Not that I mind, my dreams are much more exciting than my life. I have yet to drive a Ferrari in real life, but do so about once a week in my sleep. Dodging bullets is not all that fun, but its my dream, like my mind would kill me off, I like my character too much.
One thing that was a little different from some other dreams of its kind were little details that seemed completely real. During my dream, I got a call from Court crying telling me how scared she was because she just had to kill a spider at my house. This seemed completely normal after some of the things she told me she does when she is home alone. I had to check my phone this morning to confirm that the call did not happen. But if that call did really happen then I would have some explaining to do as to where I was when she was at my house calling me in the middle of the night.
Maybe I really do lead a double life and my dreams are all real and I just don't remember exactly where I put my car when I wake up in the morning. I bet that's it. I'm actually Iron Man.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
In Search of the Bridge
A few of us left the hotel and headed for the cable car (trolley) around the block from where we're staying (which is a hotel with a great view of "hobo row," and that's about it). It was only $2 to ride it all the way to Fisherman's Wharf, so we did. It was cutesy and pretty neat, but the best part of the ride was when the driver/toll-taker/whatever responded to someone's question (which I forget) with "Fake it 'til you make it!" I immediately thought of this blog.
Let it be known that until we arrived at the wharf, I had been on a diehard mission to see the Golden Gate Bridge and take a jillion pictures of it. Luckily, this time of year there isn't a lot of fog to contend with. It was still a little hazy, but I got nearly as many pictures as I wanted.
The rest of the day was fun, we essentially walked around entire north side of the city, much to the dismay of my companion's legs. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dad for dragging us on sightsee-til-you-die vacations every other year of my childhood. I was a tourist machine.
To highlight my zeal for capturing the most epic picture of the Golden Gate Bridge possible, I'll tell you how I got this one:

There were 5 of us that wanted to go out and see the bridge at night. Taxis seat 4. There were no vans (we tried). So the woman behind the desk at the hotel started calling around trying to find us a cab (the buses and subway are apparently not advisable at night). No one had vans that could come and get us, but she did find us a ride...we rode out to the bridge in a limo. While it wasn't a stretch limo or anything super cool like that, we did have a driver in a pretty sweet suit and hat. Right, so we get off the highway and he takes us up this road to a pull-off with a really dark path with a very steep hill on the left side. We scurry across the ridge (the driver comes too, he trips) and arrive with the coolest view ever. The photo doesn't really do justice to just how big the towers are, but it was incredible. Best part: limo cost less than cab fare would've.
So today we're heading to Alcatraz (the ROCK). Every time someone says Alcatraz, I say "The Rock" in my best Sean Connery accent. Needless to say, it should be a good time today. I guess we'll do the nerdy stuff later, but whatever.
If you thought this post was too long, you can suck it.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Stuff on the Street
I see stuff laying around town all the time. Most of it is useless junk, beer bottles and cans and such, that is not worth mentioning. Today was different. Walking back from class, I came across a crutch leaning up against a tree. It really makes you wonder how it got there. And where is the cripple? The universe is full of paradoxes.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Only One Not in Florida
So I just went home for spring break. Mostly cause I am broke and no one invited me anywhere. At least its not like I have been having a rocky break so far. Oh wait, my car didn't make it home and I had to call my parents and a tow truck to pick up myself and my car respectively. The alternator somehow went out between my driving it Friday and my driving it Saturday. I was an idiot and didn't turn around when I saw that there was a light on when I was pulling out of Oxford and continued in silence for over two hours before it conked out. And then when we got it home it wouldn't charge so I can drive it down the street.
On top of all this, my car trouble has nixed any plans I may have had, pitiful as they may have been. Gah. Cars are expensive. Wish me luck getting back to Oxford in time for the rest of the semester.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Green Beer is Gross
I know how much everyone loves the holiday, and I will admit I had quite a good time myself, but making a liter of Natty dark green does not make it any better. Especially before 6am. That is the earliest I can remember getting up for anything.
Here follows a brief recap of my day.
Got up around 5:15. Ate green eggs and toast with Andy before heading uptown. Tried to get into Skips but couldn't so went to Steins. Got a liter of green beer and enjoyed some choice company for about an hour or so. Then I went to my 8am lab that was about as unenjoyable as ever.
Wristband count: 1
Middle: After class took a three hour nap which equaled the amount of sleep I got during the night. Did I mention there was a birthday party the night before? The purpose of this nap was to rest, but also to reset my system for the rest of the day. No more beer for me. Woke up, made a bottle full of Vodka Dr. Pepper and went around the corner to meet up with Sam, Andy and Emma. Played some Kings then went back home to mentally prepare for the final chapter.
Wristband count: Still 1
Getting Later: Andy went somewhere so Sam and I decided to hit up as many bars as we could. Got a shot at Skips, got a shot at Stadium, got a drink and made the bartenders do a shot with us at Uptown Underground (after we asked them if they had wristbands), took a break at Mac & Joes, did something that had people cheering in the alley by Circle Bar (Sam), then went to BWs for dinner. Had dinner with K Wedz and some other people who are less important. After dinner walked in and out of Pachinkos, then things get a little fuzzy. I guess next we went to Brickstreet. Met up with Courtney who was finally done with a day of school and conferences. Then went to 45 for a while. I really have no idea how long we were at 45. After 45, Courtney went home and I thought my night was over.
Wristband count: 9
Really Late: But no, as I am walking home Nicole convinces me to come back out to 45 for more dancing. It was a little weird dancing with them so after a little bit I got ahold of Laura, who I had been trying to meet up with all day, who was at Stadium. So I went there, got a second wristband but didn't have to pay??? and saw some engineering people. Laura was ready to go home as soon as I got there so we headed out. Pretty sure our friend Mike thinks we are an item. Oh well, it wouldn't be the first time someone thought I was dating someone I was just friends with...actually that happens to Katie and me about every time we have dinner together. One time Courtney's room mate saw us out and thought I was cheating on her. The room mate even made a comment about how cool I was about it when I said hi. Silly people. Anyway, that really was the end of the night. 10 wristbands. I win.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Vegan Nuggets
I am going to start a group that is against the heartless killing of plants for the selfish purpose of bodily nourishment. Damn those people who care nothing for the feelings of the various flora that are inhumanely raised in impossibly close quarters in open fields, subject to the harsh beating sun and whipping rains. Or if not in a field, then in some jungle infested with insects and wild animals, or even in a highly controlled orchard, pruned and plucked just to produce a few more pounds of fruit. And if that wasn't enough, when it comes harvest time these poor plants are brutally cut down with crude instruments of torture, tied up, or cut up, or ground up, and sold without even the recognition that what is being sold was once a living thing. It makes me sick. Shame on all of you.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Going to Bed Angry
I went to bed angry a few nights ago. I had some strange dreams. One involved me fighting my little sister who happened to be a confederate soldier. It was really strange. I had another one last night when I was only a little peeved (still at the same people and events) that was about some fictional prehistoric creatures that were locked in a deathly game of hide and seek, which resulted in much animal carnage to the other unfortunate forest dwellers.
So what was this event that got me so riled? Well I think most of the readers of this blog were there, but when people I go out with start screaming and crying on the busiest corner in Oxford, I tend to get a little annoyed. It gets even worse when the hysterics continue and intensify all the way down the street. Culminating in sitting in the snow and sobbing about how they don't need to grow up. Then when I got home the door was chained even after I specified that I was on my way home. I didn't kick or ram the door, literally used an open hand hit to open the door, breaking the chain. Spring break can not come fast enough.
I had a great time Friday night though. Engineering bonding after hours at smokin ox. They almost balance out.
Oh, I also had another dream where my Ferrari would not accelerate.
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