Thursday, December 10, 2009

So I Seem to Like Lists These Days

Things I Found in the Pockets of the Sport Coat I Wore for a Presentation Yesterday Evening

  • 4 sticks of Wrigley's Doublemint gum still in the pack
  • Shout instant stain remover wipes
  • A ticket stub to 42nd Street. $71.10 was the price of admission. The show better have been way better than my presentation.
  • Proof that inspector 13 did in fact take the time to put a small piece of paper in one of the pockets

I think that is all. I was pretty bored during presentations (including mine) so I looked through my pockets. I bet that gum is 10 years old. I didn't think to look for a date on the ticket. Maybe when I get a little less angry at my team mates I will do a post about how the presentation went.

Until then, enjoy the freezing, I know I'm not.

1 comment:

  1. The ticket is seven and a half years old. I think I wore shorts with the jacket to the show because I forgot pants that night. Broadway was impressed with me, no doubt. I'd place the gum at a similar age.
