Saturday, February 13, 2010

Carolina in My Mind

So I'm in North Carolina visitng UNC for grad school. It's been great, and now I get to stay an extra two days!!!

My flight through Atlanta was cancelled due to weather, and the next flight isn't until Monday afternoon. It's cool though--I get to keep on staying at the super awesome hotel with 16 pillows to myself, and we're going out to night to watch the UNC basketball game at a bar downtown which I've heard is a ton of fun. Tomorrow I'll probably lounge about and watch the Olympics (yeah curling!!) then I'm headed out to dinner with another group of visiting students. I feel like UNC is going to receive an unfair advantage in this whole decision-making process.

Aside from the unfortunate business of being stuck somewhere warm for nearly a week, I've had a great visit. Had a great talk with a few people during interviews, definitely made some good impressions, had dinner at a guy's house who used to own a tiger (!) and says "well, they don't make for good pets." Really?

In other news, I'm sitting here blogging in the business center of this hotel, there's one other computer and they guy using it can probably read this. Hey dude! Anyway, I only wish I'd brought some running shorts because it's really nice outside and Pat and I need to start our half marathon training.

There are more stories, I'm sure, but I'll think about them on the way home in a couple days!

Currently Listening to: White noise from the vent behind me.


  1. I thought I was going to train with you!

  2. I knew you'd say that...and I remember you being fairly set on not doing a half marathon. Because you don't like running in the winter or something like that. If you're up for it that's cool.

  3. I was and still am set on not running during the winter. Its damn cold. Doesn't mean I can't run a half.
