Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Reading Matt's post made me think back to when we first started blogging, which led to thinking about the summer, which led to how it's now nearly summer again, which led to something get my point? No? I'm not really sure what it is either (surprise surprise), but what I think I could use is some hangout time with the apt212 crew + Bree + Nathan + MDull + Courtney + whoever else was frequently in our apartment last summer. We'll have to find a run-down venue for said hangout time, but we'll figure it out. Thoughts?


  1. My house is pretty run-down. I think Sam slept at our place enough to almost be included on the lease

  2. 1. Can cooper come? I drunkenly let him sleep in my room one night-which I think puts him above Mike in time spent in Apt 212.
    2. Is Mike included? Thoughts? Maybe Mike will argue his cause? Probably not.
    3. That is all.

  3. Cooper can certainly come. If Mike ever says anything about seeing this, then he can come too.

  4. I will be there! But either Nathan should make pancakes or we should make pizza...or both

  5. Both. I'm there, too...I think. Depending on where it is (tent party outside of Fox & Hounds seems apropos).

    Also, I'm requesting the presence of pudding+ because I haven't seen it since last july and that hurts my soul.

  6. What the heck is pudding+ and why does it hurt souls?
