Monday, November 15, 2010

So I punched a guy in the face

So okay, okay. I know I suck. I have started to feel like Mike Cohen in regards to this whole blog thing. No time for excuses. I know I'm a slacker. I hate myself for it. I'm sorry. I suck. Feel free to give me shit for it for a long time. (or like 3 days).

So anyways, this weekend I punched a guy in the face on the train and that's only the end of my Saturday night. It started off with sushi with my co-workers where the 5 of us plowed through several bottles of wine (5 and a half to be exact.) Then we chilled for a bit and watched some great SNL skits and then headed out to a bar. Shots all around, rumor has it we went to 3 more bars after that, I don't remember.

Anyways, we got on the train to head north around 130AM. There were a bunch of Iowa fans leaving the bars and such after they got destroyed by Northwestern. From what my blurred memory, eyewitness accounts and a text history can show, one of them really irked me and I punched him. Not sure what he did or to who but my guess is that he deserved it. Alli tried to start stuff with him too, so he was obviously an ass.
Our plans to go home were quickly destroyed when we got a text to go to another bar and thus we once again ended up staying up until past 4:00AM. I felt it so hard in the morning, but thankfully my fist didn't hurt. (though I hope that guys face does).

That's my adventure. I'll keep posting more often. Don't hate me Eric and Matt (and maybe Mike?)

Here's some AMAZING SNL skits featuring Kristen Wiig.
Surprise Party
Penelope - Therapy 
Penelope - Traffic School 

Peace Out!

1 comment:

  1. How about giving you shit forever? Also. punching someone in the face seems like a very un-Matt Forrest thing to do. I am surprised. Maybe you channeled some of my anger towards the rest of humanity.
