Thursday, May 27, 2010


I am having mixed feelings about this readership drive. Sure its nice that we can all rally 'round and get more words up for the public to peruse, but what is the benefit of that? The point of the original readership drive was to increase hits and up revenue. That means that this drive is just allowing Google to screw us harder. I reckon they have caused us to miss out on over $100 each by now.

On top of the finances being moot, knowing that we have more readers puts pressure on me (clearly not the other three of you, and I could be joking) to write more interesting blogs. I don't feel like its enough to just type whatever comes into my head as I sit in front of my computer, banana.

My last observation regarding the drive is this: Making events and talking up our blog makes our readers think we actually care enough about the blog to care what they think about it. This could not be more erroneous. Just look at Matt's posts. I don't care which one, that's the beauty of having two of them. He writes unapologetically.

The thing I prolly care most about people reading this blog is that they notice my impressive vocabulary. Seriously, I don't type words like erroneous for my betterment. If I had to imagine what this blog meant to the world, it would look something like this.

We are the stone man attempting to better the masses. Sorry its so big. My imagination has a very large scope.