Saturday, February 12, 2011


I have a job. This job pays me money. That is pretty much the only reason I have this job. I hesitate to say it is a bad job, but when I think of a day at work, what comes to mind is a mix of frustration and boredom.

The frustration can't be helped. It comes with the use of a highly complex precision machine that is loaded up with ink and oil. Both of these liquids routinely get all over my hands, shoes, and pretty much everything else. I also get to use isopropyl alcohol, heptane, and some concoction that magically lets the ink stick to things it would otherwise not. I don't even want to know what it actually is.

The boredom is worse. At least frustration means something is going on. But when I get a long job up and running, I may be sitting there for an hour or five doing next to nothing. And its not going to get any better. The company is starting to get busy. This means that we are starting to have mandatory overtime almost every day. One of the guys I work with was telling me that up until about two months ago, they were working 55-60 hours per week. That is a lot of printing.

Long story short, I am going to have lots of money to spend but no time to spend it. I am considering getting myself a phone with internet capabilities. Kill two birds with one stone. Alleviate the boredom and spend some money.