It's been a couple days, I know, you're getting antsy. "Where's the other Matt? What's he doing? How will we be content if we don't hear from him soon?!" While I hope you've realized that I probably don't make or break your day, there's been a lot going on.
First of all, the rules. We have another to add. Courtney, as you know, brought an issue of Cosmopolitan magazine the other day when she came to visit. Inside said magazine, for the non-readers, are various articles that are at times downright dirty. This latest issue featured an article on lube, and all the things it can be used for. Thus, I present the newest apt212 rule:
Rule 7: Let it slide
For a recap on the rules, look through previous posts.
Moving on, Matt Forrest and I went to Burrito Loco for margarita night again yesterday, and met up with many of the summer tour guides (at least the coolest of the cool). Turns out that we all have outgoing personalities (we're tour guides) and can't let anyone talk without busting into their conversation. The sad part is that most of our conversations center around something that happened while touring. Bottom line is, we're really loud. And burrito loco (there I go starting sentences with "and" again) is not a large restaurant, so you can imagine the looks we were getting throughout our 2+ hours spent there. Afterwards, we headed to one guide's house and sat around talking. Well, mostly it was me trying to tell a story and being interrupted with umpteen questions and the tour guide personalities were all fighting to be heard. Again.
After I finished my story, we talked a little more and planned out some summer activities. Currently on tap for this weekend (haha, get it?) is a pool party at our apartment, so some worthwhile stories should come out of that. And later this summer, we've set a date to go canoeing. Should be fun.
Speaking of should be fun, I'm going to a barbeque tomorrow night at Hueston Woods. "Who with," you might ask? Well, mostly grad students but a couple of my research advisors as well. There will definitely be like I said, should be fun.
In conclusion, Eric, Andy, Nicole (pick one), Matt Forrest, Mike and I played sand volleyball today from around 5:00 until 6:30. Andy and Nicole were terribly late and so only got to play for a little while, but the worst part was that we were supposed to meet the Austrians and play with them, but they stood us up. F 'em.
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