Friday, July 17, 2009

Welcome to the Hotel 212...We have no idea where you're going to sleep.

By the latest count, there may be 6 guests visiting apt212 this evening. I found out about three of them this morning when I read the blog. Awesome.

Here's the guest list, as far as I know (and is probably subject to change):

1. Molly Dull! This has been a known fact for several weeks, and quite looking forward to reminiscing with my old rec soccer teammate (who I don't really remember all that well; should be interesting).

**Molly Dull is on top of me! By which I mean she just texted me and is in Brill Library, directly above my lab! I'm-a go visit!**


**Ok so I'm back and we may have an impromptu toga party tonight, inspired by James, whose toga party we won't be able to make it to.**

2. Nathan. We'd assumed he was staying with us, but I just heard for sure 3 minutes ago when I saw him with Molly.

3. Scotty. It's his birthday today (!) so unless he's staying with some mock-trialer that I didn't hear about, I assume he's with us.

4. Courtney. Eric's girlfriend, friend to many and future husband to one member of apt212 (the other Matt). It'll be good to see her.

5. Katie Blake. Seemingly Eric's only remaining friend from freshman year. I didn't really come along until sophomore year (Eric only made fun of my awful Zelda skills freshman year), but she's fun to hang out with.

6. Some other guy who is apparently dating #5 above. I have no idea who he is. Or where he'll sleep.

That's the guest list. Here are our sleeping accommodations: 2 beds, both occupied by Matt and Eric, respectively; 2 futons, one serves as my bed, the other is up for grabs; 1 couch, also up for grabs; a dirty floor, take it if you want it.

Needless to say, it should be an entertaining evening with a 21st birthday and too few beds/couches/futons. If you don't recognize the future blogging potential that this situation presents, you are probably 5 years old.

Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. I wish you the best of luck and I offer to any one that might not make the cut for a sleeping spot at your house, a pull out sofa at my lovely dwelling. I have 2 friends already claiming the two extra beds, but still have a pull out and recliner up for grabs. Glad to be in Oxford for the Summer of '09!
