Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This semester will be ridiculous

So I have officially completed two days of senior year (WTF!!!!) and realized that I will basically live in a hole of books all semester. I know I know I should be working now but I had to take a break to let you all know.
Italian 301 - How do you even say that!?!?! I've been reading it forever and will admit to be completely confused.
Geography Senior Seminar (GEO 491) - I want to cry
Advanced GIS (GEO 442)- Ummmmm wow I forgot a lot more than I thought
International Business (BUS 371)- well the profs mom died so I have no gauge for now (consider it a mixed blessing)
Urban Geography (GEO 454)- will be amazing, with my favorite prof but a whole lot of work.
All in all that equal 3 semester long research projects on who knows what...ekkkkkk
Oh and add in everything I will be involved in, well don't expect to see a whole lot of me this semester. This is a statement of fact, not a complaint. I love what I'm studying and what I do around campus so it will be worth it for me, just know I wont be around as often as I would like.
I'm sorry, please forgive me?
I teach class in the morning, it should be interesting. Updates soon.
(I added course numbers to make life seem more intense)


  1. I thought you already took urban geography. Like i used your notes when I took it.

  2. Must be "Advanced Theorems in Urban Geography." None of that Miami Plan junk.

  3. Ahhh no you took GEO 201 Geography of Urban Diversity. I am in GEO 454 Urban Geography

  4. wow, those sound incredibly similar. I wish my major repeated classes

  5. Hang in there buddy. :)
