Sunday, August 30, 2009

Updates and Issues

So it's become apparent that I might not blog as much during the year as I once anticipated. On the list for today we've got: grocery shopping, homework, MegaFair (maybe I'll make off with some t-shirts?), and getting my room finally clean.

I have a new "job" this semester! I'm working as a "staff photographer" for the Campus section of the Miami Student. I'm pretty excited and hopefully I don't screw up too bad. There's one other guy who alternates with me, so keep an eye on the Friday edition!

I'd like to clear up a little bit of controversy that I encountered the other night. And if you check Facebook as religiously as others I know, you probably saw it too. I was making pizza with Pat, Ben, and Scotty--the guys I live with in my apartment. I set my Facebook status to something along the lines of "pizza, beer, and the guys." No harm done? Not. A comment-fest ensues with Eric and Matt leading the charge. (The guys of apt212). Apparently, I'm not allowed to have roommate bonding with my new apartment-mates without inviting the old ones. So I figure last night that I should see the rest of apt212, which I did. Visited Mike, then eventually met up with Matt Forrest, and Eric arrived a little later. It would've been great except that Matt kept giving me shit the whole time. There was definitely tension. And we may have pulled each other's hair. Then I get a text message later saying he just misses me. Doesn't make much sense to me.

Oh well, things'll work out eventually. For now, I'm gonna get ready to do that whole MegaFair thing. If you're going to be there, stop by the (hold judgment) Miami Chemical Society (judge away) table.

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