Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Wheels Stayed On

I made pudding for the tour guide pot-luck. I am not a tour guide any more than I was an Eagle Scout last year, but I think I would give a damn good tour. I made Kroger brand instant pudding with a hint of Ryan's Irish cream. It was cheap and delicious. Everything else was alright. The games were kind of lame, but I won Apples to Apples. Matt was judging the word Cosmopolitan and said that all we had to do was make him laugh. As he was deliberating I suggested he pick mine. He did. That was a better story when it happened.

Last night was fun. Courtney got let off work early and I convinced her to come up and spend some quality time in Oxford. I made a drink in one of those jars with the lids that seal with the metal latch. It tasted like Christmas, ask anyone. It was off the chain. I think some other stuff happened, who knows. I sent Matt a text telling him about someone taking a mint.

The freaking dog keeps touching me.

Thats all. TTYL

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