So anyways back to life. Not much new here. Yesterday was a lot of the same old same old with work and class. Except that my professor told us he really didn't feel like teaching today...which got my hopes up...and then he taught for the full two hours anyways. I "played" racquetball ball against McNabb later last night. And by played I mean I reviewed the rules of the game, realized that I still have terrible hand eye coordination and got my ass kicked. But I also decided I need to exercise yes maybe one day I will be good at that sport because it is actually a lot of fun.
And then to make it the perfect evening I finally got to watch Planet Earth and had dollar menu ice cream from McDonalds....freaking amazing. I watched Great Plains, Jungles and Shallow Seas cause that disk is my favorite...Eric made fun of me...I could care less.
Today more work and I tested the new catalog at the library in order to get a free meal. It's actually kind of cool, I'm excited. (for the free lunch that is). I then found out I miss out on a free lunch at admissions because of class. BOO! Anyways then I toured and it was most likely the best tour I have given so far...I'm really getting into the groove of it now. It also helped that this was my first tour with more than 10 people so I got actual questions and interaction and everything (aka come visit Miami and take a tour). Then I went back to the honors office the work - there was an office retreat today so I got to hold down the fort all on my own - it was empty! Which really only meant that I got to have Pandora on while I worked but I'll take it.
I have an Econ Exam tomorrow...FML. But on another note Alumni weekend is also here and that should provide plenty of entertainment uptown and hopefully some good stories.
Finally I am making a call to you our readers...the countless masses. Comment and give ideas on topics you would like 212 to investigate and blog about or adventures you would like us to have to blog about and we can try to make it happen (really this is just a way for me to make my life interesting).
I wish I had cool pictures to post like Matt, but instead I'll give you what Google had me stumble upon. It's nothing special and you might not find it that funny and if you support the confederacy even mildly offensive, but it was obviously Google's will that it appeared here.

Peace Out!
You didn't mention that you fell asleep watching planet earth and I had to turn off the TV and DVD player.