Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday Sunday Sunday!!!

Caution: This is a long, fun, and action-packed post regarding Sunday, June 28th, 2009. If you'd like, I've broken it up by hour so you may read at your leisure:

So, Sunday rolls around and begins with James, Eric, and I going to pray for our souls at St. Mary's. Emerging with resplendent souls, I showed James around the lab I work in and then we parted ways. We had a very good weekend, as is well-described in his guest post.

Eric and I met at Koffenya and proceeded to write our blogs for the day. Can you believe that we've already written over 60 entries in less than a month?? Yes, it's summertime in Oxford. We walked back and decided it would be a nice day to spend at the pool, since neither of us were too burned from the day of sun and fun before. So we suited up and headed to the pool...where we met a cute little puppy! Only problem is: puppy was in the pool. Not wanting to swim with the puppy which was awfully cute but likely just as awfully potty-trained, Eric and I laid in the sun watching the particularly wispy clouds roll past. The company outside was not nearly as enjoyable as the day before (i.e. I had no desire to talk to/look at/whisper about/laugh at anyone in the pool). In addition, Eric and I had the egotistical moment when we realized that for once, we were the goodest-looking pool-goers (eat your hearts out, grammar nazis!).

We quickly decided that a change of locale was necessary. Being unable to draw away Andy & Friends from Independence Day (the film), we made plans without them. After a few moments debating the magnitude of the convenience/amusement ratio, we settled on frisbee golf, as Eric had never played before.

Things went well for Eric, and we ended up entering Sudden Death with a one stroke (throw?) difference mid-way through the 16th hole. We ended up tied and left frolf to meet Andy, Nicole--Ok, there are two Nicoles. This one is the one that doesn't live with Andy. Nicknames are in the works--and Nicole's housemate Ashley (the crazy flip-ponger) for a game of sand volleyball.

"Oh, sand volleyball, shmand shmolleyball," you may say. But, my friends, I bet you've never played sand volleyball with Austrians! No? Vell zen, vat ah you vaiting fah?

Miami hosts a program for Austrian exchange students each summer, and they live in a dorm right on the frisbee golf course (Eric and I had nearly hit them earlier), which is near the sand volleyball court. So we happened to all converge on the court at once. They asked to play, we were like, "uh, yeah!" It was fun and I of course made a fool of myself but I had a good block here and there. We got one of the Austrian's names so we can friend them on facebook and hopefully arrange Austro-American Volleyball Sundays. I'll keep you posted (obviously).

We were all starving after volleyball and all Eric or I could think of was getting water. Having dug through the recycle bag of plastics, we emerged from our apartment with water-filled jugs, formerly the home of Sunny-D and 2% milk. We jumped into the pool (which was now assumed to be puppy-pee-free) and it was a little cold. Oh well, I was revitalized.

Now fully realizing our hunger, and having reunited with Andy & Friends, we trekked to McD's for dinner. Since McD's is only a few feet from our apartment, we walked back with our food and ate by the pool. Ashley was on the goddam phone for 85% of the time she was with us after volleyball.

Andy & Friends eventually left, and Eric and I decided we were going to go do Wal*Mart, despite our debilitating exhaustion (Eric couldn't form proper sentences by the end of the evening, and had been showing signs of gross mispronunciation all afternoon). It was there that we bought a few necessities: I needed some groceries, the apartment needed Drano and ping-pong balls, and I bought a bike! We shoved it in the back of Eric's car and drove back to the apartment, content with our day.

But wait! We weren't done yet! Why the hell not, I don't know, but we weren't. Nicole (you pick one, I don't care) called and invited us to tramp around at Andy' Eric and I decided to ride our bikes there. I felt like a true 10-year-old. After watching the former gymnasts (I was obviously not one of them) do some silly flippy-rotational-thingy, they egged me on to try. Ok. I made a decent attempt and nearly hit Ashley (who, by the law of probability, was on the phone) in the head. Shortly thereafter, Eric and I departed to the apartment, content with our day and set on getting up early (5:30am) the next day for the rec. Since the next day is actually today, I can attest that Eric did get up, we did go, and it was good.

We left a mess in the living room which I should probably clean up when I get back home. This concludes the penultimate Sunday of June 28th, 2009.