Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Welcome to Savannah, Y'all

So today we went to Savannah and hardly heard anyone speaking in a sweet ole southern accent. And, much to my (and Scotty's, had he been there) dismay, very few ladies, if any, out and about in sundresses. I did however get some good pictures of a church or two, a synagogue that looks like a church (apparently the only gothic-inspired synagogue in the US), a bunch of cool park squares, and even a few self-taken family portraits. And can you believe that the sundial on Miami's campus isn't the only one of it's kind? My parents and I stroll in to Troup Square in Savannah's historic district, only to see a sundial, complete with turtles, zodiac signs, and a big spiky ball/star thing! It felt the same standing next to it as when I stand next to ours in Oxford giving tours. Only in Oxford, city workers aren't napping underneath it...

^Clockwise from top left: Imposter Sundial, Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Congregation Mickve Israel, Forsyth Park Fountain

Not a whole lot else that happened today. I expect the next few days will probably be more of the same old laying by the pool, frolicking in the ocean, napping, etc. You probably won't hear from me unless something really cool happens.

1 comment:

  1. Did you see the Davenport house? The colonial cemetery? Paula Deen's restaurant? Savannah is one of my favorite places...to bad you didn't benefit from my historical preservationy knowledge!
