There was a lot of wildlife, both dead and alive, on the beach this morning. There were pelicans, seagulls, osprey, dead jellyfish, and even a shark!
My sister called from Europe today! It was good to talk to her, although I felt bad that my dad took up so much of her valuable time with a run-down of her finances. She's having a blast though, and I told her to buy me things. She told me to do the same, I think we have a deal.
We went to a nice place for dinner tonight. One of their specials was crusted sea bass. I got it. It was amazing. I enjoy fish, but I don't usually foodgasm over it. Today, that changed. My parents agreed that I had the best meal of the evening. I kept laughing when I heard or said the words "sea bass," because all I could think about was the Austin Powers movie with the killer sea bass.
I got an e-mail today from my friends back home...not sure if they read this...and apparently Kevin is having a party on Saturday in honor of my birthday ("sans Smola"). I wish I could be there, but it's not really feasible. I think I'd like to have them visit sometime soon, maybe in a couple weekends? Oh well, we'll see how things go. For now, I'm going to bed and Savannah in the morning. Should have interesting things to write about tomorrow...maybe.
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