Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I was amazed once again today when I calculated my average fuel consumption after a fill-up. My car got 43.6 mpg over a 403 mile span. One of those miles took half an hour and was located in downtown Cincinnati approaching the 75/71 split where, apparently, people inexplicable loose the ability to not drive like infantile morons. When you see traffic backed up in the direction you would like to go is it logical to zoom along in the lane going the other way then try to merge at the last second? No! Because that makes people want to shoot you in the eye with a crossbow. That's not what I was going to tell you.

I was amazed that my 16 year old car is still out-performing brand new HYBRIDS!!!!!! Even though it also passed 176 thousand miles in this same trip. This is because the car manufacturers do not have to make more efficient vehicles because the gelatinous masses think that it is impressive when a sedan gets 30 mpg highway. Give me a break. I wish the oil ran out tomorrow so people would wake up and realize how pathetic things are. But, of course, that would mean that the supply would dwindle first, sending the world into a killing frenzy with everyone selfishly trying to obtain the last few drops.

On an unrelated (surprise) note I decided this weekend that I am going to win the lottery and start my own car company. Unfortunately, this company will be focused on sports cars, which are not meant to be economical, so it still sucks to be you.



  1. Funny enough, someone got shot with a bow and arrow a few weeks ago in Cincinnati. Not even in a "Dick Cheney"-esque hunting accident. And Cincinnati drivers do, indeed suck. http://news.cincinnati.com/article/20101004/NEWS01/310040023/

  2. Unfunny enough, one of the videos we watched in drivers ed was about a really old guy who got road rage and killed someone with a crossbow.

  3. That is what you learn in drivers ed and that is why people can't drive.
