Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fashion and stuff

What is up with women's sweater fashions? My sister was home for the weekend last week and she wore two sweaters to various functions. One was tiny and came about half way to her waist, the other was about knee length. Do they not make clothes that fit anymore? Then there are the boots. I understand that those rubber rain boots keep you dry and uggs are warm, but they are both hideous. And who first thought it would be okay to wear tights as pants with Uggs!?! You have to have a killer body to not look at least mildly gross wearing that, and even the super hot can't avoid the skank factor. I think if I ever saw someone wearing rubber rain boots and tights I would evacuate my stomach right then and there.

I have heard that there are a number of people who check this blog almost daily. I would like to use this space to personally express my concern for your well-being if you come to a blog that gets written on at best once a week every single day. Go play some solitaire or something one day. Believe me, it is way more entertaining than this.

ScarJo is hosting SNL this week. I'm excited.


  1. I don't like you.

  2. I wasn't making fun of you, I was making fun of the fashion industry.
