Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Matt Already Told You All the Fun Stuff But I Feel Like I Should Still Post Cause It Has Been Awhile
It doesn't matter. A few days ago I had one of the best afternoons in recent memory. It was so good it almost erased the memory of Matt leaving without saying goodbye! Frissbee golf is a blast (we didn't even lose any disks!), beach volleyball is like my fav thing in the world and adding some Austrians just makes it incredible. Pool, fast food, and WalMart rounded out a great series of daylight events. I even got to use a giant zip-tie to keep the trunk closed. Be jealous. I was really tired though. I hope Matt got some enjoyment out of it, it was kind of ridiculous. My pristine grasp of the English language was sadly tarnished.
The next morning I got up at some ungodly hour and rode my bike to the recreational sports center to endure several hours of pain. I am still sore some unknown number of days later. I think I will make it a regular event, I want to get big.
Matt's posts are getting worse, I couldn't tell if he was in Chicago or Oxford half the time.
After Rec I napped (sorry Court, sleep is more important) and then went to visit Courtney. We had a lovely day. We went to the pool (the pool by her house is actually as deep as it says, unlike our pool which lies cause it sucks) so it was fun to swim and such. After pool we did something, spent a few hours deciding what to do prolly, then we went to dinner? I don't remember the exact sequence of events. This was yesterday. Dinner was had at Hofbrauhaus.
My dad just expressed interest in guest posting, we'll see if that happens.
The food was good, the beer was good, the onion rings were freaking fantastic, I may go back. Then we visited her mom, I almost got eaten by a dog, then I drove home and got back to Oxford at 12:40 so I could wake up at 6:15 to go to work.
I went to work, then I slept for another 3+ hours and woke up well after 1. It was glorious. Transformers was showing at 3:15 and I convinced Nicole (of & friends) to go with me. We are now hoping Seth doesn't find out it was just the two of us. Then I drove home, trucks still suck, and my car gets great gas milage. Now I am home and trying to figure out what to do for a few dyas.
Sorry about the length, I'll try to do better next time.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday Sunday Sunday!!!
So, Sunday rolls around and begins with James, Eric, and I going to pray for our souls at St. Mary's. Emerging with resplendent souls, I showed James around the lab I work in and then we parted ways. We had a very good weekend, as is well-described in his guest post.
Eric and I met at Koffenya and proceeded to write our blogs for the day. Can you believe that we've already written over 60 entries in less than a month?? Yes, it's summertime in Oxford. We walked back and decided it would be a nice day to spend at the pool, since neither of us were too burned from the day of sun and fun before. So we suited up and headed to the pool...where we met a cute little puppy! Only problem is: puppy was in the pool. Not wanting to swim with the puppy which was awfully cute but likely just as awfully potty-trained, Eric and I laid in the sun watching the particularly wispy clouds roll past. The company outside was not nearly as enjoyable as the day before (i.e. I had no desire to talk to/look at/
We quickly decided that a change of locale was necessary. Being unable to draw away Andy & Friends from Independence Day (the film), we made plans without them. After a few moments debating the magnitude of the convenience/amusement ratio, we settled on frisbee golf, as Eric had never played before.
Things went well for Eric, and we ended up entering Sudden Death with a one stroke (throw?) difference mid-way through the 16th hole. We ended up tied and left frolf to meet Andy, Nicole--Ok, there are two Nicoles. This one is the one that doesn't live with Andy. Nicknames are in the works--and Nicole's housemate Ashley (the crazy flip-ponger) for a game of sand volleyball.
"Oh, sand volleyball, shmand shmolleyball," you may say. But, my friends, I bet you've never played sand volleyball with Austrians! No? Vell zen, vat ah you vaiting fah?
Miami hosts a program for Austrian exchange students each summer, and they live in a dorm right on the frisbee golf course (Eric and I had nearly hit them earlier), which is near the sand volleyball court. So we happened to all converge on the court at once. They asked to play, we were like, "uh, yeah!" It was fun and I of course made a fool of myself but I had a good block here and there. We got one of the Austrian's names so we can friend them on facebook and hopefully arrange Austro-American Volleyball Sundays. I'll keep you posted (obviously).
We were all starving after volleyball and all Eric or I could think of was getting water. Having dug through the recycle bag of plastics, we emerged from our apartment with water-filled jugs, formerly the home of Sunny-D and 2% milk. We jumped into the pool (which was now assumed to be puppy-pee-free) and it was a little cold. Oh well, I was revitalized.
Now fully realizing our hunger, and having reunited with Andy & Friends, we trekked to McD's for dinner. Since McD's is only a few feet from our apartment, we walked back with our food and ate by the pool. Ashley was on the goddam phone for 85% of the time she was with us after volleyball.
Andy & Friends eventually left, and Eric and I decided we were going to go do Wal*Mart, despite our debilitating exhaustion (Eric couldn't form proper sentences by the end of the evening, and had been showing signs of gross mispronunciation all afternoon). It was there that we bought a few necessities: I needed some groceries, the apartment needed Drano and ping-pong balls, and I bought a bike! We shoved it in the back of Eric's car and drove back to the apartment, content with our day.
But wait! We weren't done yet! Why the hell not, I don't know, but we weren't. Nicole (you pick one, I don't care) called and invited us to tramp around at Andy's...so Eric and I decided to ride our bikes there. I felt like a true 10-year-old. After watching the former gymnasts (I was obviously not one of them) do some silly flippy-rotational-thingy, they egged me on to try. Ok. I made a decent attempt and nearly hit Ashley (who, by the law of probability, was on the phone) in the head. Shortly thereafter, Eric and I departed to the apartment, content with our day and set on getting up early (5:30am) the next day for the rec. Since the next day is actually today, I can attest that Eric did get up, we did go, and it was good.
We left a mess in the living room which I should probably clean up when I get back home. This concludes the penultimate Sunday of June 28th, 2009.
Guest Post!
Here is my blog post. Ironically, this is in fact a travel blog post on your non-travel travel blog.
Friday, June 26:
Despite my best efforts to leave Cincinnati before rush hour, I ran into virtual gridlock on I-75, and invariably, when I would slide into a lane, somebody in the lane next to me would too. Because of my best efforts, this was a mere inconvenience. I continued onward through the bustling metropolis of Milleville, OH. Its high concentration of peculiar book stores remind me of a quote from Avenue Q, "In tough economic times, the only sound investment is PORN!" I guess these people took this to heart...
I next found myself in Oxford, and I was greeted by a good friend. It's interesting that I don't see Matt Smola that much anymore, but I feel like we haven't missed a beat friendwise. We reminisced of our childhoods and shared our mutual college glories and ignominies. I met Matt's friends and took one for the team, paying to play 2 songs at Skipper's... I mean, isn't beer expensive enough?
Next, I introduced Matthew to the Irish car bomb and the long island ice tea. Matt enjoyed these beverages, and they ensured an interesting state of mind for the rest of the evening that involved us returning to Skippers, meeting Ian Flemming (Oh cool James Bond!) and his friends. Matthew wooed the ladies with the size of his NMR spectroscoper, and then we went home to my favorite post alcohol treat, the peanut butter sandwich!
Sat 27
To shorten things for this part, I'm bulleting. I know I'm verbose.
- Chocolate chip pancakes are great, especially with the babaganoush special.
- After time by the pool, my arms are an interesting tricolor of tan, not tan, and burn. Vive la French Revolution!
- Nicole has a hard time staying at a comfortable temperature.
- Grilling is fun and burgers are tasty. However, you need to be in shape. It's so hot outside, grilling becomes a shirtless sport.
- Sun and Mr. Bostonian Kool-aid lead to people asleep in Fox and Hounds.
- Culver's frozen custard is good. Is it 30 minute drive good? Not too sure. But the journey was fun on its own.
- BSB is great for karaoke and for long car rides.
- Nanny Mcphee's artistic direction feels like a Tim Burton Movie.
June 29 1613 – The Globe Theatre in London, England burns to the ground.
Good weekend overall. Eric already outlined the events of Saturday night fairly accurately. I'm usually really good and pong and eric usually does not do too well...the heat must of messed everything up, that night. However that was one of the most epic ends to a game of pong ever.
Saturday I toured, met up with Jim for a bit who is here for a Beta conference (though from what I saw I don't know if he will survive). Hung out out Skippers with some tour guides and then did KC a huge favor and the four of us helped out by being in a commercial for Athletics. We pretended to cheer after a "touchdown" hard to do due to the lack of actual touchdowns I've seen the Miami football team make. However, Laura and I pretended so well that they rearranged the crowd so we were on the end right next to the camera and then we pretended the hell out of that excitement. Do not worry I will track down that commercial and post it the second it appears.
So KC had to return to Chicago for a wedding shower? and so she wanted someone to ride with her and so I decided why not. Minus some traffic it was a relatively quick drive in and I got to see my family and sleep in a cool house with full Internet, and then Sunday I got to see Allison for a bit (she had been in France for a year and we're pretty tight from high school)..naturally she wanted to see me. The ride back after a quick 24 hours in oxford was another story. My 5 hours drive took six and a half....traffic was dumb and we got a ticket or I did. I was surrounded by semi-trucks - which I hate and as a result missed the sign saying the speed limit dropped to 60. I was keeping up with traffic, not passing people and so either everyone did not care or they missed the sign too. Issue was they were all from Indiana I was from Illinois, as our license plate proudly displayed and as they sped off we had to sit on the side of the rode and get our ticket. Damn favoritism. Got in at 2:30AM and passed out.
Woke up at 6AM and went to work (Pat came back - yeah!) and gave one of the best tours I ever have, they loved me - I know it's hard to believe I was shocked too. My Geography class was interesting should be a pretty good one and the prof is an interesting guy. Some brilliant individual (who should have been in eric's geo class) thought that was his session I class, but he was six weeks too late...fail.
I don't have much else I kind of want to sleep but we shall see. Mike returns today! I hope no more hospice care.
I want to watch the food network...hmmmmm. Now I'm hungry
This is just to see if my vegan friends are reading
"Carnivore? Chances are you don't need some wimpy support group. Keep being AWESOME!"

Peace Out!
This makes me mad.... http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/29/opinio
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Oh Contraire...
In other news, James just left town and is headed back to Cinci for the week. I might end up going back home this weekend with him. Who knows.
This past weekend was pretty sweet. I picked up some new vocab and phrases from James, including "buy into it," "raging," and "ingratiate." We had a great time, and yes, Matt Forrest did get his artichoke dip at Kona with us. While the cute waitress of my last trip to Kona was not there, we still had a good time and James really chatted it up with our waitress with "the artsy glasses." Later that night, James and I ditched everyone else and hung out at Skipper's, reminiscing about old times and making friends with the bartender(s), a recently-alummed-alum (who almost gave us money), and a guy who aparently enjoys his Irish car-bombs to be the size of your head. Speaking of Irish car-bombs, I tried one of those for the first time on Friday. Having been warned of curdling, I was a wee bit (see what Irish does to you?) concerned, but it was actually a very enjoyable experience. After this, we headed out to Mac & Joe's for a drink as well (I was giving James a small tour-de-bars-de-Oxford).
After Mac & Joe's, we went back to see Eric, Matt Forrest, Andy, Nicole, and Kelly(?), who were at Andy, Nicole, and Kelly's place. They were boring...and we were in no mindset to sit still and "chill." So back to Skipper's we went! At this point, we ran into Ian Fleming, known to members of the team "9 Gentiles and a Jew" as "Coach." Turns out, Coach is living on the same floor as us next year! Sweet! He also happened to be at Skipper's with a lot of friends, most of which were girls. James and I were introduced to a couple of them and it was a lot of fun talking with them. One was really cool and it'd be nice to meet her again.
On Saturday, we pretty much hung out by the pool all day. There were quite a few people there, a few of which were attempting silly things in the pool. Eric (former lifeguard) was not willing to save them in the event of an accident. I can't entirely blame him. But! We did have beach balls and a splash ball (made popular in the late 90's...you know what I'm talking about), so we were messing around with those as well. After a delightful day in the sun, grillmaster Matt (myself) came out again and cooked up some (of Eric's) burgers for the crew. I thought they were pretty good, everyone seemed to agree, and to date, no one has died.
After dinner, we all crashed. Hard. I took a shower and fell asleep, and woke up to the concussive sound of beach balls be smacked around in the pool. I went down and joined them for a bit, then we got out and readied ourselves for Culver's! Culver's, for the uninformed, is a burger/frozen custard place that's pretty popular in Wisconsin, and there's a franchise in Hamilton. Actually, beyond Hamilton. We drove there for
I think I might buy a bike today, even though Matt Forrest is at home (oh yeah, that happened too) and we were going to buy matching bikes. Can't win 'em all.
Eric is now done with class and is going to go to the rec with me in the mornings. Wakeup time is around 5:30am, so waking him up could be rough...good thing we've got the Mojito Song to help us.
...and I don't know what BL(ogr)eunion is supposed to really mean...so if someone chasing waterfalls could fill me in, that'd be cool.
The Weekend
Friday night I worked (making money=good), while there I got a text from Matt. It said "stop working" Enlightening. Apparently Matt and Matt's friend James were killing Matt with their science heavy dinner conversation and pathetic attempts to impress the cute waitress. I felt bad, but there was nothing I could do.
After work we all met up with Andy and friends at Skips. "And friends" in this case is Nicole and Kelly. Both very nice girls, recommended people to meet for sure. Matt and James left, Andy, Nicole, and Kelly had a few pitchers, then me and Matt went back to their house. Here follows the account of the most memorable game of pong I have ever played. So we lost the first one. It was Matt and I against Kelly and Nicole, and Kelly was unconscious, she made everything, it was ridiculous. We lost by one cup. The second game was different. Kelly gave up, so someone woke Andy up (yes, he went to bed while we were there) and he took her spot. I made the front cup and announced that I was starting in the front and working my way back. I then hit the second row right to left and the first two cups of the third row before messing up and hitting one in the back. At this point Matt decided he would contribute and made a few shots. All the while, Andy had been consistently making cups, so it was not a sure victory. In fact, it was tied at two cups left apiece when the real magic happened. Nicole was trying to be distracting and waving her hands around and then she pointed at the cup, Matt shot, cup down. Me next, "Point at the cup!" I yell, she acquiesced, I shoot, graceful arc, in cup, game over. Victory high fives, Kelly drunk facebooking, bedtime.
Next day, pool. Actually I worked first then went back to bed then had pancakes, but the pool was a big part of the day. Everyone came over. Anyone who was in Oxford and worth hanging out with was at the Fox & Hounds pool. We bought beach balls and a splash bomb, good purchases both. Somewhere around here Matt went home without saying goodbye. I hate him.
I got Culverized last night. This event involves driving half an hour to get something that closely resembles what I could have walked 5 minutes to get from McDonalds for cheaper. I don't know if it will happen agian. SOME people seem to think it is the greatest thing ever. These people do not have thier own vehicular transport suited to such distances. These people may or may not be named Nicole Adams. (The answer is may). Oh well, we got to catch a glimpse of Megan Fox in Transformers at the drive-in as we sped by on the way back. Pretty much made the whole trip worth it.
The day was capped with a showing of Nannie McPhee on ABC Family. I wouldn't normally consider Emma Thompson to be especially attractive, but when you see her go from her hideious self to her normal self, she is a babe.
Totally bomb weekend. Maybe more pooling this afternoon, maybe a nap.
The End
Billy Mays died?!? wtf!
Friday, June 26, 2009
June 26 1960 – Madagascar gains its independence from France.
It's hot I think I'm dying....
Matt Smola does not know what he is talking about...last night was the exact type of behavior that needs to be promoted to incoming students (and by that I mean responsibly drinking because we are of age - didn't want you to think otherwise). It rained a lot which usually means the humidity is gone I was wrong. And I didn't ditch anyone they didn't want to come with me, sorry I didn't just at the opportunity to creep on new students (though I did accidentally observe several of the first year girls hanging out in the laundry room..in their underwear...but that was an accident...other parties who I will not mention deliberately creeped on the situation...you know who you are).
Touring today was miserable. Worst group of potential visitors ever and it's not just me every tour guide had a terrible day. It was hot and noisy, in a weird way. Not normal noise but just sadly loud everywhere. And we almost all fell into a ditch some construction workers dug and there were people everywhere for no reason. And there was a special tour, which one of the children in it, when my group passed, loudly proclaimed "If I had a stick I would shoved it in his head and shank that a#$hole." Welcome to Miami! The best idea I can give you of how miserable it was is that my tour began with 35 and ended with around 10. FML, but I was happy to know everyone had terrible experiences.

So I was think what if in a freak occurrence the writers of "The Musing of 212" meet the writers of "Senoritas & El Senors." What a blog post that would be....would blogspot implode. I wonder if they are as bored as us to actually keep up with that. I also wonder when they will actually give Eric, Mike and I some credit on their blog...credit that is long over due.
This weekend should be interesting, Matt Smola promised me I would get to go to Kona and that Spinach Artichoke dip (the best in the world) would be involved. We shall see. I wonder what Eric will do now..maybe he can find Carmen Sandiego...hmmmmmmmm
It will be hot...I may not make it.
Peace Out!
(I'll post again soon I got nothing better to do)
Today, Tomorrow, and 10 Years Ago
1.) Yes, a party. To be specific, we went to two (2) parties. One was more of the cook-out variety. It featured people I mostly didn't know, except for a girl whose name I recognized from e-mails. She of course had no idea who I was. The second of the two parties was quite a trip. Literally. While Matt Forrest decided to ditch out on us for a different party, Eric, Bree, and I decided to head to Slow Idaho (the house, not the lethargic state). Wouldn't you know it, we are about to leave the apartment and hear a sharp clap of thunder (oh the descriptiveness). "Oh, that could suck," said Bree. "C'mon, we going to a party!" Eric replied. So off we went.
3 minutes later, we're huddling under a tree to avoid the pouring rain. Eric is cupping his phone to his ear, trying to call for a ride, while his other hand was cupped over the phone to protect it from the rain (and itself). We decide to book it for the nearby bank ATM drivethru. At this point, Eric is still drinking the "Juicy Juice" that he had been carrying from the apartment. He finishes it and then debates depositing his cell phone to keep it out of the rain. I'm quite certain he would have too, except that it wouldn't fit in the slot. Damn. So we waited a few minutes, and ran from overhang to overhang in the parking lot/rear of CVS, eventually seeking windy refuge in the CVS pharmacy drivethru. After all this, it occurs to Bree that she could hail Lynn via cellular telephone and have her pick us up. Of course, at that instant, the rain stops. Damn. So Bree turns back ("I have to pack") and Eric and I continue on to the party. We did some puddle jumping, and arrived at Slow Idaho wet and half naked.
Turns out there were probably more freshmen-to-be at this party than anyone else. They had ditched out on the orientation "social" and had somehow been picked up by someone from the house. It was actually kind of awkward. I felt like I was promoting the kind of behavior that I had been so judgemental of at that age. I did meet one kid who was going to be a biochemistry major (!!!) and told him how awesome it is. We left around 12:30 and had a fairly uneventful walk home.
2) So I have a friend, Molly, who I (apparently) played rec soccer with back in the days of elementary school. Having met her
3) To round out the "oh wow I used to live in a different town with different friends who I haven't talked to in forever" moment, my friend James is coming to visit today! We met in kindergarten and continued through the rest of elementary school together, and have some rather endearing stories. I'll give some topics: Ode to Sock Men's Fragrance (a 4th grade creation), James being punished for saying "hell" in the context of a religous discussion (Maggie Smith, Rachel Csonka, I blame you and your posse), nearly getting into what would've been a fairly weak fistfight in the Canadian wilderness...the list goes on. So, James is coming to visit and it's going to be great.
This should be a good weekend...there's sure to be more to come. Oh, and if I could learn 1,000-5,000 new vocabulary words before I take the GRE, that'd be great.
What am I going to do Now?
I think I did well in my classes. I know I got an A in music. I have only gotten less than an A on one assignment and the final was not hard. Geo is another story. I like maps and all that crap almost as much as Matt, but doing that much that fast wears on you after a while. I was really cookin' during the middle of the class but the wheels kind of fell off at the end. Fingers crossed I pulled it off.
So now I have no structure to my life. Work is slow this week, and I have no class, which means I have nothing to do 5 out of the next 7 days. Maybe I'll go home. What I don't like is that the few shifts I do work are at 7am, so the nights before are kind of ruined too. Guess I'll have to have all my fun during the day.
I might go to King's Island Monday! I love roller coasters, and even though nothing is as good as Cedar Point, I could get in free, which would be pretty bomb. Millennium Force is my favorite ride. Front row is so sweet when you are at the top of the hill and just hanging there facing almost straight down waiting for the back of the train to catch up, awesome. Just don't ride at dusk, you will eat bugs. The trip up the hill is cool too. It may not be the tallest thing in the park, but there are great views over the lake. The cable lift pulling you up the hill is one of my favorite parts.
The Raptor is a fun one too, but the biggest thrill is Top Thrill Dragster. The name is lame but the ride is the most amazing 17 seconds of your life. When else are you going to go from a standstill to 120mph and then up 410 feet in 5 seconds? I really REALLY want to be on it sometime when it doesn't make it over the hill.
In conclusion, I am bored and you should visit me. Or give me ideas for things I can do to pass the time and then come on here and tell you about it. Do it, do it.
As for me, I am going to play KDice.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
June 25,1975 – Mozambique achieves independence.
In better news I had my International Econ Exam today, I think I did well enough not to have to take the class again (I'm basically positive) and the means I am done with Economics forever! For all you Econ majors out there I'm sorry but well Econ is not really my thing...not at all. And now it is done...and that means Geo 301 (Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa) starts on Monday...Geography is my thing that makes me happy. I know it's a good class that I find interesting so I don't dread going there everyday. It's a little later in the day too so that should help and to be honest I'm really just hoping there are a lot of maps involved...I love maps...make fun of me if you want I do not care. You might not get it...but I mean I could ask an accounting major where they find the joy in their classes and well I'd probably never understand it (even if they had an answer.) Point is geography is cool.
That brings me to my next point and this may just be the most controversial question ever asked on this blog but Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? Ok take a second to let that one sink in.....(elevator music)................. But I mean think about it we are talking about the premier supervillain (who also happened to make geography cool) who steals just for the fun of it. And beyond that she could be anywhere in the world. I've done my research they say she was the best ACME Detective Agency had ever seen and now she messes with them for a living. And you're thinking well I've caught Carmen Sandiego. False, you think she's not smarter than that. We never see her face, she always wears the same thing....it all points to doubles because no one really knows what this sizzling seductress looks like and we many never know. So odds are you've just caught A LOT of Carmen Sandiego look alikes. Mean while she's sitting pretty planning her next master plan...way to go team. But if you can figure this one out you let me know. Because she can really be anywhere....from Nashville to Norway, Bonaire to Zimbabwe, Chicago to Czechoslovakia and back! Your guess is as good as mine.

It's weekend time kids.
Peace Out!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Who needs Sleep?
I blame Katelyn. She gave me the idea. I also blame Matt. He wanted to go almost as much as me. So we dragged Matt and Bree along too. I went to bed around 3 and had to get up at 6. That would have been three good hours of sleep aside from one thing: every time I closed my eyes I either saw huge autonomous robots kicking the crap out of eachother or Megan Fox being her hot self. Neither image made sleep easy. I won't spoil much of the movie, but there are some points that need to be mentioned.
1. SR-71 Blackbirds are the sweetest aviation machine ever.
2. Megan Fox running in slow motion will make you forget about epic battles for the worlds salvation.
3. I want a rail gun.
4. What happened to the blonde chick with the accent from the first movie?
5. Work sucked this morning.
6. Oxford has the strangest mix of traffic.
7. How did Shia not die!?!
8. It would take a lot for me to think Optimus Prime was any cooler.
Everyone should go see this movie. And bring me.
There is a dude riding a lawnmower down the street presently stopped at a red light.
I want to name my kids after Transformers. Optimus, come here and sit next to Megatron. I am the cobra commander! Thhhppppbbtthhh!! I said no cookies!!!
June 24, 1988 - Mike Cohen is born
Transformers blew my mind look for updates later
Sorry for the Delay
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Breanna Erwin is Full of Lies
I hate how the walmart parking lot is set up. I know my posts have been angry lately, but I can't help it. The closest parking spaces for able-bodied persons is roughly three miles from the door on the opposite side of about a thousand hanicapped spaces that are never full and the first bank of cart corrals, and the roadway by the doors and an expanse of sidewalk. I am tired by the time I get to the door. Kroger is better. I did find Ramen for 17cents a pack. It makes me wonder why I have been paying $1.60 for a 6-pack of instant lunch. I could eat for a week on like 2 bucks. I may try that if I get bored later this summer.
I tried to print out a paper this morning. My printer is spastic. It pulls the sheets in so fast that they can't release from each other and end up printing one page on half of one sheet and half of another so I have to redo the entire thing. I ended up printing out the paper one page at a time.
This is not a great blog post, I will try harder next time.
Transformers comes out tomorrow. I don't think I can wait for Matt to be done with his final. I will prolly go see it tomorrow night. I have a solid A in both my classes, I should be fine...except that crap paper I turned in today...that was unfortunate.
The pool is warm!
Really though, I'll do better next time
June 23, 1926 – The College Board administers the first SAT exam.
I learned yesterday at the Barber Shop that the club house at Indian Ridge Golf Course burned down. I promise you that if you want to learn what is going on in a small town stop by a barber shop (I mean you can get your hair cut too). Raccoons have been really getting in the tomatoes as well though spreading some coyote piss around them is a great way to keep the raccoons away. Apparently there was a huge fire here awhile ago and Bruno's went up in flames, but don't worry guys some locals ran into the next store and got out all the whiskey so it didn't burn down (the guy outside the windows of Koffenya is studying for the drivers test). And I'm not sure who was getting their hair cut next to me, but I guess he owns like 50% of Oxford. Anyways this is a call for all of you Miami students to visit Oxford as much as possible over the summer so everything doesn't have to shut down while you are gone. Us travelers can't keep this place afloat by ourselves.
Still freaked out about what I will be doing in a year.
We went to Wal-Mart last night and thanks to my parents I am the premire thifty shopper. I was hoping to get everything I needed fro under $100. Well let's just say I got about 4 weeks worth of food (39 items) for a whole $63...I was proud ask Matt I repeated that fact multiple times. Shopping was fun overall...you should always go in groups it makes the whole experience more enjoyable and bring Bree if you can she gets distracted by all the shiney objects and makes it funny (even better when Matt runs over her with the shopping cart). Matt and I are hopefully going to be getting bikes soon (Matt is hoping they match), that should be exciting.
In other news I am offically done with Econ on thursday after my final, I might flip out and then go see transformers. In no particular order or maybe at the same time (so don't let me know what happens because I am trapped by school until then.
People watching is fun, I think I'll come here more often, you learn so much. The couple in the corner is researching wedding bands and I really want spinich artichoke dip from Kona like right now...I expect to be eating there soon.
Here's a way to distract your time and if your like me odds are you'll get hooked. http://www.sporcle.com/
Also my econ prof has a blog. He talks about it a lot in class and so I finally went and well just look at the post from Friday June 19th. http://twentycentparadigms.blogspot.com/
That's all I got for today!
Peace Out!
I will Write more Later
Monday, June 22, 2009
Get Ready...This One's a Thinker
There are various scenarios which may come into play here. 1) The valley was never originally hidden, but was hidden by its discoverers; 2) The valley has always been hidden; 3) "Hidden" is not an adjective, but is instead a surname (i.e. Mr. Hidden owns Hidden Valley); 4) The valley is not a real place but instead a metaphor for an idealized salad dressing industry.
Considering the first scenario, think of what kind of bastards would hide a valley which apparently yields free-flowing salad dressings. Furthermore, the issue of how to hide a valley once it's been discovered is a whole 'nother discussion that I'm not willing to undertake. So, unless Harry potter is in the eploy of the Hidden Valley folks, we can cross out that option.
Scenario number two does nothing to further progress. If the valley has always been hidden, how could someone find it and depict it on the labels of salad dressing bottles? Thus, the valley must have at some point been un-hidden.
Scenario three has been deemed "unmagical" by Matt Forrest. Thus, we shall discard it as a possibility.
Finally, scenario four reminds me too much of an english class, so it shall therefore also be discarded.
I've provided a flow-chart to help clarify the possibilities:
Unfortunately, this leaves the question still unanswered. But, as Eric stated last night, who the hell cares about what brand of ranch dressing you have? Ranch dressing is ranch dressing, and they're all quite tasty.
I hope you enjoy thinking about that as much as I enjoyed making that flow chart.
June 22, 1969 – The Cuyahoga River catches fire, which triggers a crack-down on pollution in the river.
However a fellow tour guide Sara informed me that Fox and Hounds has to let us leave the fan in the window or we can call human resources and complain about the unhealthy heat...heck yes!
In other news Bree has Internet again...which is good and I got to watch the Next Food Network Star and hopefully have them addicted enough that I can continue to watch it. Oh and guess who only has 2 more Econ classes left? Me...I'm pretty excited, I'm pretty sure I'm going to get a B in the class which I can live with for the time being.
I got president Hodge on my tour today, so that made up for the heat and made for a pretty cool visit for the students we hung out under the arch so you know, no big deal. And then I got my haircut which is making it not as hot out and now I am in Koffenya (a coffee shop in Oxford for all you outsiders) which I like cause it has Internet is air conditioned and about halfway home so I can take a break from the heat before I continue the epic journey to fox and hounds, next semester the walk won't seem far at all thanks to this summer. I like that.
So we're been having some pretty philosophical debates in 212 and just for the record I originally posed the questions about Oreos...but I think it's a pretty legitimate thought. There's also a lot of debate surrounding the Hidden Valley but Matt may elaborate later.
Apparently Matt and Eric do not like all my spelling and grammar mistakes, frankly I don't care because I warned you readers ahead of time in an earlier post. I'm considering outsourcing to two year olds who I will dictate to and they will write (Eric says the result will be the same, whatever.)
I'm hoping to get a new camera battery sent soon so I can document the summer through pictures. Actually I should probably look that up now. But in the mean time..

...we can appreciate all Canada has to offer.
A reader also suggested I utilize Stumble Upon to provide entertainment....here is where I was brought today- http://kukuklok.com/ - it actually might provide you was some entertainment.
Peace Out!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Matt's Birthday was Great Success
I met a lot of the gf's extended family this afternoon. I was not feeling the greatest. What was I supposed to do, Matt only turns 21 once and I am not one to let down a friend. Its not like I told her little cousins I broke a stripper pole last night.
What if Oreos aren't milk's favorite cookie? You get out a pack of oreos and you think hey, if they are milk's favorite I should have some milk, it will be enjoyable for both of us. And at the same time your milk is in the fridge thinking about how much it hates snack time. If milk could talk what could we learn? Milk probably throws up in its mouth a little every time you dunk a cookie. I personally don't think nabisco should be making claims that are not backed up by hard facts. There are no polls of milk. No market research has been conducted. If I was milk I would be pissed.
Flip-pong is supposed to be fun.
Best of: My Birthday
- The house we went to had a stripper pole (Carmen Electra brand, if you're curious). One of the girls who lived there practiced on it way to much. She tried to get Eric to pay her for her little show and dance, and he understandably said "no way." She got a little miffed, so I told her, "In his defense, it is a stripper pole, and well, you're still wearing clothes." Not that the removal of this girl's clothes was anywhere in the picture, I just pointed out that she was improperly demanding cash. She seemed a little offended and said "it's not a stripper pole, it's a dancing pole." My bad. The box clearly said "Carmen Electra Portable Stripper Pole."
- And portable it was! After a little time spent playing flip-pong (I don't recommend their rules, at all.) Eric, Matt, Nathan and I went back to where the pole was. It was like a big fireman pole so I jumped on and spun down and around to the floor. Where I stayed. Then, across my field of vision I see Eric leap at the pole so as to fling around it. The pole decided here that it wanted to demonstrate its portability. So with the base of the pole still between my legs, it begins to fall over. Fortunately, I was left unharmed.
- A guy pulled a knife out on me last night. The intention was to prepare a beer for shotgunning (probably the most anticlimactic part of the evening), but the beer was in my hand and I didn't quite trust his depth perception. I asked him if he were a boy scout (it seemed logical at the time) and he replied with "I'm a MAN SCOUT." I was apparently cool with that.
- My orange hat was fairly popular with Nathan last night, and while walking to a bar uptown, he decided to steal it from me. We were in front of 45 East, with big glass windows next to the sidewalk. Being alumni weekend, it was packed. Nathan and I got into a tiff over the hat, right in front of these old women at a windowside table. As we walked away, it was brought to our attention that these women had been watching, and looked a little alarmed. So I walk back in front of the window, look at the ladies, and with my arms spread out in a "calming-the-crowd" fashion, I said "it's ok, we're cool." I think they appreciated it.
-One of the two door guys at Pachinko's can't read. I show him my ID, he looks at it, squints a little, and then pulls the top off of his black sharpie, to write x's on my hands. At this, I start to say "it's my birthday," but not to worry, because Natalie (a friend of mine who lived in the house with the
- Which leads to my penultimate quest for the men's room. I've never been to the bathroom at Pachinko's. So I ask Nathan where to find it. He points to a little hallway and says "right there." Not caring for anything else but washing the x's off my hand (I'm 21, dammit!), I proceed down the hallway and through the door. Looking back, I probably burst through the door, but regardless, I ended up in a brightly lit room with a bunch of guys standing around. The walls were bare, the floor was just concrete...this was not the bathroom. Thinking that the bathroom was simply down the stairs (which were large and industrial-looking), I started to go down them. I was turned around by an older-looking guy walking up the stairs saying something about the police in a fairly urgent tone of voice. So I decide I'm in the wrong place and get out of there...
- Through the wrong door. I exit into a fairly crowded bar, as all the broskis were leaving the brightly lit room as well. The only issue is that I was on the wrong side of the bar. I probably looked like a fool, but I quickly exited the bar (not the establishment, just their behind-bar area) and found Nathan. "WHERE did you say the bathroom is??" "Down there on the right." Key details...
That's about it. We had fun, and thanks to everyone who called or facebooked me, I appreciate it!
Sorry this made me laugh so I had to share

The Word of the Day for June 21, 2009 is: improvident
"Today, I realized how much I hate my apartment. Not only can I hear my creepy upstairs neighbor having sex with random hookers every few night, I can also hear him everytime he takes a shit. I honestly don't know which is worse. FML"
I got to watch a world record being broken yesterday. It was a "Merger Moment" as Ray Mock wanted to dub it. Anyways the previous world record for the most wedding vows renewed at once was set in Pittsburg last year and had 624 couples. They were afraid they weren't going to break it. Turns out we had over 1080 couples renew their vows. That's Miami magic for you. It was really cool to be a part of and the newest "Miami Mergers" actually ended their wedding at the Upham Arch. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, a Miami Merger is when one Miami grad marries another. We're kind of famous for them here. We have the highest percentage of students marrying other grads. 14% of all grads so well over 26,000 moments. Again another thing to make me love Miami and I was part of a world record being broken.
Anyways it was Matt 21st birthday last night and well I think he's writing a really long blog post about it, so I wont go into all the details. Needless to say it was fun and we're still recovering. Hey it's college so sometime it's okay to drink too much (especially on a 21st birthday) and becasue it was alumni weekend we were fully supported by all the alumni watching as go through the memories they were uptown trying to recreat. Slow Idaho is an absoluting huge house, we hung out there for a little bit before heading Uptown and wow, it's bigger than home in chicago. Needless to say I'm a fan. I really want to know what it's named Slow Idaho - i'm not completely sure I get it. I think Matt had fun...I mean we made sure of it and we were all able to piece together the night pretty well. Read matt's post to learn about everything. I did get to see a lot of my friends who had graduated though so that made me really happy, it was great to see everyone (even if people were to drunk to remember) Apperantly Hunter reads our blog so this is a shout out to him, hope you liked it.
I only have three more econ classes left and hopefully if I don't do something stupid that causes me to fail my final miserablly (I mean like get a 0) I will be done with econ classes forever. International Econ is actually my favorite econ class i've had (the topics are more intresting and make more sense than all the theoretical bull behind micro and macro that can never be recreated in real markets. I'm hoping my geography class will be intresting I like geography and africa is cool so hopefully I get to learn a lot and don't hate myself for taking it. There's only 10 of us in the class soooo I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I'm at the library I think I'm heading home soon. I might be a little sleepy I have no real idea.
Hopefully everyone has a great father's day and takes time to appreciate thier dad's parents put up with a lot of shit from kids for some odd reason so show them you care. I visited Failblog and found this FAIL. Kind of wiered me out but it relates to Father's Day. It reads "Give Dad what He Always Wanted" "A weekend for both of you in the Nude. We Set the Mood. You Provide the Romance." - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!
Love & Honor to Miami - to round out the weekend.
Peace Out!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
My econ exam went alright on Thursday. I threw up for some reason right after but felt fine in 30min (which meant I didn't have to stay for the second half of class).
And then I got to meet with the Alumni Board and discuss homecoming with LeeAnne. Those people are great and gave us free lunch. I love alumni they tell so many great stories. I kind of can't wait to be one. And I mean I don't want to graduate but it is great to have such an awesome community to come back to afterwards. So many great stories.
Work, tour, nathan came to oxford. Hung out. Went to B-dubs, saw the alumni board completely wasted.
Worked and had a great tour on friday. Then I worked Alumni registration. Again great.
Went to hang out with Christene and KC at night and had a lot of fun. Watched Baby Mama - hilarious.
Then today I got to tour and there were A LOT of Alumni on it and a Miami Merger. How lucky am I!!!! Over all a good end to the week and I finally got paid....I got money in my account.
I'm going to go watch the world recond for the most wedding vows renewed at once be broken at Miami near the Upham arch in like 20min, sould be fun and then out tonight. I want to be Uptown all night for sure and we're carrying Matt Smola up there for his birthday.
That is all...I'm to energized to focus. Maybe I can be more reflective next week.
Love & Honor to Miami!
Peace Out!
No News
I got one of my research papers done last night, so now I only have one to do monday after I procrastinate all day today and tomorrow. Its going well so far. I am quitting at 2 to go lay in the sun for a few hours. I was out for about an hour yesterday and didn't get tan at all. My spell check is telling me didn't is not a word. It doesn't recognize contractions but I can type in all caps with no complaints? I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.
I need to go to Kroger later, I am running out of everything. I will be quite unpleasant if I don't get my cereal in the morning and frozen dinners. Maybe a run to the liquor store too, Matt needs to have fun when he gets back.
Porsches2Oxford July 25th. If you have a porsche, come on down.
(If you have one of these)
P.S. Thanks to Matt's mention of porn, my content filter now requires special permission to view our blog.
I went out today!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
It is sad how dumb some of the questions people ask in this class. This one lady, who smokes so much that her voice sounds like that of a man who smokes a lot, dominates the class with her awful comments. They range in quality from wrong to completely off topic. She keeps plugging away though. The simplest musical concepts are incomprehensible to her. I am sure she is not alone in that regard.
That was rather judgemental of me. But I am getting really tired of it after 5 weeks.
Hey Courtney! Chillax! For realz girl.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Turning the Corner Question Mark?
Things to Do...
As far as things to do this summer, I'm setting a personal goal of getting onto the roofs of as many buildings as possible. Any takers??
Or we could:
-Rob a farmer's market
-Hold an obnoxious protest for something silly ("Ban Soap Eating!")
-Spike the juice at local daycare centers
-Soap in a fountain
-Go to Fiesta Charra dressed like the Three Amigos
-Play freeze tag in Wal*Mart
Hmmmm I wonder

Anyways I was on a study break and I went for a walk and just had an epic OMG I LOVE MIAMI expereince that Matt Smola would be jealous of. I was basically the only one on campus and walking inbetween Stoddard and Elliott Hall towards the seal, it had cooled down so it was just warm out with a soft breeze and you c ould hear the birds chirping. The grass was freshly mowed and everything was green and perfect. Then, the Miami fight song could faintly be heard in the wind playing from Pulley tower slowly drifting across campus. I think I fell in love with Miami all over again. Not that it takes a lot but wow do I love this place...
I like how this started off with porn and alcohol...well hopefully that will change it up a bit for you Eric and if not we can just blame Matt.
I'm really leaving this time to study for the rest of the night.
Peace Out!
How Many Libraries Did You Go to Today?
I'll TELL you why! Just keep your pants on!
I have already told you about the paper I had to write about the house. Well today I tried to do some serious research. I started at the Lane Library uptown, then I went to the W.W.Wertz Architecture Library, then I went to the Miami Archives, and now I am sitting in King. The archives were the most boring if you were wondering, but I can't touch anything so I guess that makes it kind of cool. Also, there is not 'library' in the name so it does not count in the 3. Everyone I talked to was surprisingly willing to help at all locations...too bad none of them actually did. But hey, I got the piece of crap written and now I am just deciding if it needs a conclusion or not. If I stay here long enough, the library will close and I will have my answer.
Taco Bell sounds really good right now.
Question: Why is the male population of King Library apparently unable to flush a urinal? Every time I use the restroom here at least half the urinals are filled bright yellow. Seriously, you just slap at the silver handle and your business goes down, almost no effort.
I realized last night that I should not go on Texts From Last Night while in class. Some of them are more than a little amusing and busting out laughing during a lecture is never appreciated.
The ads are now about Georgia, thanks Matt.
I Google searched "Blog Pictures" and this came up, I'm not complaining.
And yes, I did steal your idea Matt, sorry.
I am so freaking hungry, paper done, I'm out!
Apperantly I have been missed
So anyways back to life. Not much new here. Yesterday was a lot of the same old same old with work and class. Except that my professor told us he really didn't feel like teaching today...which got my hopes up...and then he taught for the full two hours anyways. I "played" racquetball ball against McNabb later last night. And by played I mean I reviewed the rules of the game, realized that I still have terrible hand eye coordination and got my ass kicked. But I also decided I need to exercise more...so yes maybe one day I will be good at that sport because it is actually a lot of fun.
And then to make it the perfect evening I finally got to watch Planet Earth and had dollar menu ice cream from McDonalds....freaking amazing. I watched Great Plains, Jungles and Shallow Seas cause that disk is my favorite...Eric made fun of me...I could care less.
Today more work and I tested the new catalog at the library in order to get a free meal. It's actually kind of cool, I'm excited. (for the free lunch that is). I then found out I miss out on a free lunch at admissions because of class. BOO! Anyways then I toured and it was most likely the best tour I have given so far...I'm really getting into the groove of it now. It also helped that this was my first tour with more than 10 people so I got actual questions and interaction and everything (aka come visit Miami and take a tour). Then I went back to the honors office the work - there was an office retreat today so I got to hold down the fort all on my own - it was empty! Which really only meant that I got to have Pandora on while I worked but I'll take it.
I have an Econ Exam tomorrow...FML. But on another note Alumni weekend is also here and that should provide plenty of entertainment uptown and hopefully some good stories.
Finally I am making a call to you our readers...the countless masses. Comment and give ideas on topics you would like 212 to investigate and blog about or adventures you would like us to have to blog about and we can try to make it happen (really this is just a way for me to make my life interesting).
I wish I had cool pictures to post like Matt, but instead I'll give you what Google had me stumble upon. It's nothing special and you might not find it that funny and if you support the confederacy even mildly offensive, but it was obviously Google's will that it appeared here.

Peace Out!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Welcome to Savannah, Y'all

Another Day Gone By
And Second
Urban Geography (GEO 201) requires several research papers known as field interpretations. These involve finding a house, researching it and writing about it's architectural style and importance to the surrounding community. Well today I went to the library to try to find some info on a house from 1972. I quickly discovered that 1972 is not considered historic or important. Luckily they did write newspapers in this year, even in Oxford. Unluckily the newspapers were tiny. They were printed on these silly reels of film called microfilm. The only way to see what they say is to feed the reels into these ginormous technological dinosaurs called microfilm readers. Think of the oldest computer you can imagine and amplify the uselessness by a thousand and you have a pretty good picture. I was impressed by the fact that I could insert 10 cents into a box reminiscent of the ones attached to the mechanical horses at the front of Meijer and the huge machine would print whatever I happened to be looking at. I didn't have any money on me.
I plan on BSing most of the paper.
Indonesian music is creepy.
I hope I get to visit Courtney soon. I want to drive her dad's Porsche again.
Sorry Matt, I'm First
I don't even remember what I did yesterday.
I had over 100 pages of reading assigned for one class today. I tried to do some research at the library uptown, but it closed when I got there. I have a test tonight that I have not started to study for yet. This is starting to sound like one of Mike's posts.
I think I will tell you all the story of my iPod. If you know the story already stop reading now, for there are no new developments. I got my iPod during the winter of freshman year. I got it from a friend who had a new one and said I could borrow it. Events transpired and I decided I wasn't going to give it back and I am likely not going to see that person again, so all is well. This iPod was old when I got it. It is a baby blue mini of the first generation that has most of the paint scratched off the back leaving a wonderful contrast of brushed metal and color.
The best thing about my iPod is that it likes to play dead. It has stopped working several times and always eventually snaps out of it and comes back strong (take notes Mike). One time it refused to turn on for three days and I was about to give up on it when it turned on as I was trying to force the wheel off.
That about brings us to the present. Wasn't that a great story?
I love that our ads are now about fish, great guys, just great.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Osprey and Jellies and Sharks! Oh My!
There was a lot of wildlife, both dead and alive, on the beach this morning. There were pelicans, seagulls, osprey, dead jellyfish, and even a shark!
My sister called from Europe today! It was good to talk to her, although I felt bad that my dad took up so much of her valuable time with a run-down of her finances. She's having a blast though, and I told her to buy me things. She told me to do the same, I think we have a deal.
We went to a nice place for dinner tonight. One of their specials was crusted sea bass. I got it. It was amazing. I enjoy fish, but I don't usually foodgasm over it. Today, that changed. My parents agreed that I had the best meal of the evening. I kept laughing when I heard or said the words "sea bass," because all I could think about was the Austin Powers movie with the killer sea bass.
I got an e-mail today from my friends back home...not sure if they read this...and apparently Kevin is having a party on Saturday in honor of my birthday ("sans Smola"). I wish I could be there, but it's not really feasible. I think I'd like to have them visit sometime soon, maybe in a couple weekends? Oh well, we'll see how things go. For now, I'm going to bed and Savannah in the morning. Should have interesting things to write about tomorrow...maybe.
Family Reunion
Well this blows...
In the library currently making my way through 40 some pages on the Asian Financial Crisis - hells yeah. McNabb is somewhere in the library creeping on me and it make me feel uncomfortable. Which makes it even harder to study and makes me increasingly nervous.
I'm using Dr. Pepper to get me through this - I'm down to about 1 every two weeks - a big change from drinking 2 or 3 a day during the semester (that means I'm being healthy right?) - I wonder what I should eat for dinner?
I have added another summer goal of figuring out what I am going to do after I graduate and I guess that translates into deciding when I should take the GRE....FML
My head is still spinning from Econ class earlier, but only 5 more classes left (even though the class is 2 hours long it goes by faster when you think of it day by day). If you haven't noticed I have nothing to write about - maybe tonight will be interesting and then I'll make sure to get to this before Eric tomorrow.
I sincerely apologize for wasting your time (though if you are reading this you probably have a lot of time to waste).
I hope Matt brings back a turtle.
Peace Out!
I Have 10 Minutes
So yesterday was a big day for 212. Matt F and I went to campus to get internet twice for a total of like 8 hours between the two of us. Our lives were looking pretty glim. That is until we learned how Bree was going to merit still being our friend. You may have heard about her surprise visit to Mike. While I'm sure that made him feel all warm and fuzzy I frankly don't give a crap. What I do care about is the most expeditious way possible of getting a television into the possession of our household. Long story short Bree brought Mike's and we still love her a little.
The rest of the night was spent watching movies, only interrupted by the excused intrusion of Sam. She brought Matt fries and me a hamburger from McDonalds, so all was well.
I love the 99cent hamburgers from McDonalds. They have the diced onions that are so small you barely know they are there. Its like onion flakes only wet. So choice. And apparently cheap enough that if you randomly tell someone you want one they will get you one without any reimbursement. I'm kinda hungry now actually.
Today (this morning) I rode my bike all around Oxford looking for a house built between 1920 and 1980 to write a field interpretation for. I found a house, but got really sweaty in the process. I need a shower. Sadly I will not likely get one before like 6 tonight.
I should be on my way to class now. Enjoy.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Lights Out for Turtles!
I ran "with" my dad, as in, we ran at the same time but at different paces. After we finished, my mom and dad walked on the beach a little and I went to claim some chairs by the pool. It was around 8:00 and I was the only one by the pool. I got us a premo location and proceeded to lay down. It was great.
I continued laying around all day, in and out of the pool, in and out of the ocean, until around 2:30-3:00. It had gotten rather hot so I went inside and took a nap. Woke up around 5:00 and headed to dinner with the 'rents.
Last night, we were starving. I can't remember if I stated that in my post yesterday. We needed groceries for the week but were also looking for somewhere quick to eat, i.e fast food. Driving around Hilton Head at night is ridiculous, because nothing is well-lit. I mean nothing. And it's all for the turtles. Loggerhead sea turtles mate and lay eggs in May and June, so little baby turtles are dashing to the ocean from June-August. They apparently turn towards the brightest source (ought to be the morning sun) and run all willy-nilly to the ocean. So in order to keep turtles going in the right direction, there are all kinds of coastal light ordinances here and in other coastal cities. Good for the turtles, but it makes seeing anything at night a bitch.
Not too much else today, the 'rents are going golfing tomorrow morning so I'll probably run and then do some photoadventuring. Hopefully that'll turn out well. Oh! We saw about half a dozen dolphins just off the beach today. I've decided I want one. I think we can keep it in the pool at the apartment, as long as Amy doesn't shoot it between the eyes.