Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Job Hunting

Yes, it is still happening.

I figured I would take a little opportunity to blog about something other than what happens to me in my subconscious. Now I just need to figure out what that might be. I mean I know what happens when I am awake, I need to find something blog worthy.

The house was quiet today. Back to the way it will be for a while I suppose. My sister and Courtney were both here for the long weekend. They generally cause a stir when they are around. Katelyn is confrontational and rambunctious, and Court adds her bit of excitement to the house as well. At one point we were at my grandparents and Katelyn was demonstrating how to tackle me to Court. This involved hitting me in the face with her forearm and generally using her girth to drag me down. That's right, tackle me and be referred to as having girth in a publication read by ten people. That should teach you.

The long weekend is over and the house has calmed down. My bruises are healing and boredom is setting in. I may have an interview soon. I am not certain yet, but I missed a call from a guy today (I seem to miss a lot of calls around 4 in the afternoon, I sit by my phone all day and people insist on calling when I have given up for the day) and he said that the HR department would be contacting me soon for an interview. While this sounds pretty definite, I have become a jaded, cynical, distrusting job hunter over the past 4 months. Yet I still believe I will have a Ferrari soon.


  1. LOL I laughed so hard at this. I was reading it out loud to Kristi, and when I read 'girth' I made a salty comment then you addressed it almost immediately. I was actually kind of creeped out.

  2. That is pretty funny. As is the word salty in the context you used.
