Monday, March 1, 2010

Going to Bed Angry

I went to bed angry a few nights ago. I had some strange dreams. One involved me fighting my little sister who happened to be a confederate soldier. It was really strange. I had another one last night when I was only a little peeved (still at the same people and events) that was about some fictional prehistoric creatures that were locked in a deathly game of hide and seek, which resulted in much animal carnage to the other unfortunate forest dwellers.

So what was this event that got me so riled? Well I think most of the readers of this blog were there, but when people I go out with start screaming and crying on the busiest corner in Oxford, I tend to get a little annoyed. It gets even worse when the hysterics continue and intensify all the way down the street. Culminating in sitting in the snow and sobbing about how they don't need to grow up. Then when I got home the door was chained even after I specified that I was on my way home. I didn't kick or ram the door, literally used an open hand hit to open the door, breaking the chain. Spring break can not come fast enough.

I had a great time Friday night though. Engineering bonding after hours at smokin ox. They almost balance out.

Oh, I also had another dream where my Ferrari would not accelerate.

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