Friday, August 6, 2010

I Hate Job Searching

There is no way to win this battle for employment. I put in hundreds of applications and get absolutely no response. Everyone has advice, call these people, show up in person, do this. Most sites tell you not to show up in person. If you call a place to follow up on an application, something that several people have told me is important, they tell you they will call you when your application has been reviewed. This is hands down, the most frustrating thing I have ever done. What a waste of four difficult years of school. I got a degree, now I get to bang my head against a wall for months with no results.

It does not help at all that all of my friends who have jobs evidently had mostly luck to thank. I think I am starting a job soon at the place my neighbor works and it might not even be that bad of a pay rate. At least then I will be able to sustain myself. If nothing else works, I am driving my car to L.A. to become an actor. At least my shoulder is feeling more normal again.

1 comment:

  1. this might be helpful bra
