Saturday, August 21, 2010

I lose my sense of direction when I sleep

I just had a very strange dream. It started out with me looking for a house. I soon became obvious that I did not really know where this place was. I found my way to a huge Baptist church, but there was a lady standing on the steps yelling at me, so I moved on. Eventually I found myself near an abandoned school that was also enormous. I’m talking several acres of building, all surrounded by broken parking lot, then razor wire. A homeless guy came by and invited me inside. Not surprisingly, on the inside it was just a big dirty maze of rooms and did not seem much like any real building. It was very dark and there were piles of boxes everywhere. This guy was pretty talkative and told me all about how he lives there with a large group of streetwalkers. They primarily lived in the basement, which they accessed through a hole in the floor that looked like it was once an air vent. I declined the offer to come down. I almost got lost like three times making my way back to the door, and passed several of the ladies on the way. It helped greatly that they do not hold on to their cash very well, so there was a trail of money leading to the exit. Once outside, I was in a big rush for some reason. I passed Katie in the parking lot. She was talking on the phone and I just hurried by. She threw a jacket at me, I made an impressive catch and tossed it back. No, that makes no sense to me either; I never claimed my subconscious mind made sense. The really odd thing is that it was Katie’s house I was looking for to begin with.


  1. So you're drowning your sorrows from job hunting with hallucinogenic drugs now, huh?
