Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I gotta ax 'em

Dear Eric's Mother (who I'm sure is kind, sweet, and pure of heart),

I apologize for using the s-word in my last post, which was a tad angsty.

Sort-of Sincerely,

Good to hear about the 'pooter, Eric. Windows 7 is fun!

Speaking of fun, you should look 'em up on iTunes, or whatever channels you use to obtain music. Not as good as Owl City, but hey, you know. Speaking of speaking of fun, you know what's not fun? Well, many things. In particular, I'm thinking of SPN202. I have an exam tomorrow and have studied about 20 minutes for it. "Heck yeah" for senior year! Golly!

This semester is ridiculous. I'm currently only registered for 10 credit hours. What's that you say? Housing will swoop in and throw you out on the streets without full time status? Well, we'll see. Until I get back into CHM760 (about as much fun as it sounds...oh look, that word again--wowzers!), I'll be part-timin' it I guess. I went to class tonight, which was odd since I haven't been to class since last Wednesday. Gone for two days + no class Mondays = this semester is ridiculous. I've also spent a large portion of my free time playing Zelda (I'm not as awful the second time around, Eric) or monkeying with stuff on the computer.

I got in to Michigan! Eric's birthday is this weekend! There's an avocado on my desk!

Currently Listening to: Lip Gloss by Lil' Mama

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