Thursday, June 3, 2010

I have judged my life to be the most boring...

So I haven't posted since Sunday and now that I think about it, I know why. No matter how hard I try I can not think of one really interesting thing worth blogging has happened since Sunday.
Did go out to a bar Sunday night because it is memorial day so nothing is happening on Monday. Met some interesting people, pretty sure we broke into an off-limits section of the bar to use the bathroom and then went home and went to sleep. Exciting, I know. I've been actively campaigning to get Matt Smola's photo to win in this weekly photo contest (you want the Golden Gate Bridge), which I am pretty sure everyone is hyping up to be something equivalent to winning a Pulitzer (does that prove how dull our lives have gotten without Miami?). But I mean we did prove that a bunch of bored unemployed college grads can accomplish a lot. Wow imagine if we got jobs, how much good could we do in the world?

Other than that I have been applying to jobs. Two major ones this week which both took up a lot of time to get done, but I wanted to make sure I was putting my best foot forward. Additionally, I had to create a CV which I have never heard of before, used or had any formal education on. That took A LOT of research to learn how to write one and make sure I was doing it right (aka ate up the bulk of my time these last few days.) Basically, I like to think of it as a resume on steroids as it is 2-3 pages. But I got it done and submitted. Hooray! Now once again I just have to hope they like me. I have done as much outreach and research as I can, now it's outta my hands for a bit.

I've picked up running more actively in my daily routine. It is slow building and still painful for my body to get use to this whole being active thing but I will get there soon enough, I hope.

Finally, been following the Blackhawks through the road to the Stanley Cup. Makes me wish Miami hockey and thus everyone at Miami (especially my fellow Apt 212ers). However, I also realized how little everyone else knows about hockey and it is funny watching these Chicagoans try to figure it out and act knowledgeable about something they know nothing about at all. Woomp woomp.

I'm currently watching the HBO mini-sersis John Adams. If you have not seen it you NEED to do so ASAP, it is epic and probably one of the best made historical reconstructions I have seen in a long time and the acting is amazing. Besides that Abigail Adams is badass! End of story.

Grad parties and stuff this weekend...hopefully that makes for some interesting posts (though currently heartbroken that I will not make the bonfire.)
Peace out!


  1. I didn't really soak in any of this material because I was distracted by trying to figure out whose blogging voice this was...Your adoption of proofreading really threw me for a loop.

    (I'm being serious.)

  2. Molly: I totally agree...I was confused also.
    Eric: I've done it.

  3. Not with the "interesting" people you just met.

  4. My life sounds a lot more exciting when you phrase it all like that Eric.
    Should I revert back to my old writing style? I think it is because I was watching John Adams at the time and their vocabulary is amazing and their grammar is impeccable.

  5. Nope. Impeccable grammar is much better than sloppy spelling.

  6. mr(s) anonymous should cool it because i like matt forrest just the way he is...sloppy spelling and all.

  7. You mean heart broken that you missed my bonfire! BTW, you have alluded to things I have done with you/told you but you have never mentioned me in your blog by name. Are you ashamed of me Matt Forrest!?
