Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Home For Cedar Point

I came home from a night out and found blood on my shirt and shorts. Matt said I killed a guy. I'm hoping not.

A recent dinner conversation:

Mom: I stopped reading your blog, I don't think it is mom rated.
Me: So I can stop censoring it?
Mom: No, your father still reads it and he repeats everything he reads.
Dad: Its off the chain!

It was raining really hard when I left Oxford yesterday. I ran from the door of my apartment to my car and back and I was soaked.

There are 11 people here for lunch. My house is nuts.

Yeah, so it was a pretty gnarly storm. At one point I was driving down the road and could feel the thunder. Thunder is one of those things that you don't really think about much. Some people are afraid of it, others think it is angels bowling. But really, how cool is it that air rushing into the space vacated by electricity can cause a shock wave that shakes buildings miles away? I think its pretty bomb. Thunder is generally stupid phat.

Its rather upsetting to me that there are 4 contributors to this publication and I have three posts in a row. Get your asses in gear boys.

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