Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Some things never change...

Last summer I had two toe incidents during which I tripped walking around in my flip-flops and cut my big toe open...Smola came to the rescue and ran across the street to CVS and got me bandages...while suffering through conversations of women talking about their time of month or something like that which made him squirm...thankfully we found some ridiculous 99% proof vodka at Red Porch District which Kristel let me pour on my toe and prevent all likely infections.

Fast Forward almost one year later: Sitting on the CTA bus with Ed absentmidly playiny with my flip-flop my foot slips I gash it against the panel infront of us...sharp pain and then I feel my big toe getting wet...I look down and surprise surprise, there's blood everywhere (slight exaguration). It did hurt a lot through. So I put my toe up for the rest of the bus ride to keep blood from flowing to it (the plan worked and the blood/cut dried up by the time we got to the stop). I will however probably not learn my lesson and continue to wear flip-flops at all times acceptable or not.

Other than that I just continued to apply for jobs...found a few really cool ones...realized the posting was outdated and the deadline has passed and was sad. I however opt to be more optimistic than Eric and will apply for a job even if it asks for 5 years of expereince because I have high faith in my abilites...maybe too much (oh well can't hurt to try) Found a few jobs whose cover letters I am going to finish up tomorrow and then cross my fingers and press send.

That's all I got for now. You all will get updates if I actually get a job (Not going to tell if I get an interview though I think that's jinxing it)

Peace Out!

In honor of Eric on May 25 1085 Alfonso VI of Castile takes Toledo, Spain back from the Moors.


  1. I'm a little offended you apparently think I live in Toledo Spain

  2. I never suggested you lived in Spain it was just a Toledo shout out...last time I ever do anything in honor of you

  3. I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU SLICED YOUR TOE ON THE CTA AND LEFT THAT DETAIL OUT WHEN WE TALKED LAST NIGHT. that is absoLUTELY repulsive. get tested for any and every communicable disease immediately. i need to go brush the throw-up taste out of my mouth.

  4. I can't reveal all the details of my life, I've got the leave something for the blog. How else do you expect us to get consitently high readership numbers?

  5. She wouldn't know. Such is the curse of spin-offs.

  6. I am a blog surfer. Stumbled upon this blog by chance and I feel the urge to commend your efforts in blogging. Yet, I am intrigued by how you are expecting high readership when neither the content, the writing style or grammar appeals at all.

    Isn't it a little lack of shame to even invite readers and brag about this blog?

  7. Alfonso VI was a rat bastard...

  8. Most embarrassing admission of the day: "I am a blog surfer."

    P.S. Somebody once told me that they used to think "Anon" was the name of a famous poet.

  9. The blog surfer, which I agree with Adam Michalak, is a hypocrite, because he read the blog, so readership, BOOM!
    Also, I agree with Molly. Matt get tested!
    However, you know if you stub your toe enough times you will form a callus eventually and then you will have like a super toe!
    I know something you have always dreamed of!
    Love you all, keep up the fantastic blogging, and mister Anonymous, not even willing to share his name, will just be that much more upset when you guys get your sit-com offer to be based on this blog!

  10. lol to the blog surfer's comment. Here's a consolation, this blog is not entirely terrible, maybe just this particular one and then some. (Sorry Matt Forrest, even though I do not know you, I just find it hilarious an event was made to invite people, as well as reading those overselling reviews "raved" on the blog layout and wall posts on the event invitation.)
    I know one of you, and I swear I am not taking sides. My opinion? I think comments such as the one right above is definitely encouraging but get real man, honesty and constructive criticism is what you guys needed to improve this blog.

  11. I really appreciate what is being said here, but were we going for improvement? I kind of thought it was shitty on purpose. I need to go rethink involvement in this questionable venture.
