Monday, May 24, 2010

Ways to start your summer off right...

So summer is moving on in full swing (duh) and that means that you should be happy, right? Correct (otherwise I wouldn't of asked the question). However, a bigger problem do you stay continuously happy? And then I bet you're thinking, wow those guys over in Apt 212 are sure happy all the time. Well I'll let you in on a little secret. Besides copious amounts of alcohol and My Sister's Keeper this got us through last summer (especially Mike when he was dying for two months)
(emphasis on Rule #8 which Courtney thought we came up with on our own...I'll still take the credit from MSN)

Well keep fakin' it until you feel it...


  1. That's the name of that book! I saw Jodi Picoult novels at the bookstore a couple days ago and started laughing but couldn't remember what book he'd been reading.

  2. I read 2 during the course of the summer. That was the author of choice for me and big nicole.
