Monday, May 31, 2010

Drivel, as promised

My mother is in charge of a literary club that meets once a month and discusses a book chosen apparently at random. This past month the selection was The Call of the Wild by Jack London. This book is short, interesting, and action packed. The ten or so kids who are in the club had a whole month to read a sixty page book. I think one of them finished the whole thing. I read it cover to cover the afternoon of the day they met. I got a little pink sitting in the sun for two straight hours, but I soldiered on. Some may take offense at the use of the word soldier in that context. Anyway, the book is pretty good. Dog fights, feats of strength, lots of snow and ice, the enticing points are practically never ending! However, there is one point made in the book that I found particularly interesting. Buck, the main character, hunts his own food and lives off the land. He is on an all meat diet and it says he is in the best shape of his life. This is basically my exact out look on eating. Lots of meat, no vegetables.

Speaking of food...
I eat all kinds of food. Generally when I am out with people and someone does not like something, I am there to pick it up. With that being said, there are three things that stand above all others. These three items go with just about anything. Sometimes they can be combined, other times they each act on their own. The one constant is that they are always delicious. They are sour cream, hot sauce, and ranch dressing. I would go into detail about what I put each on, but its getting late and this already long enough.

Cedar Point Friday and Bonfire Friday night!

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