So Saturday we wake early for our tour and after overcoming the initial feeling of wanting to vomit I made it through. On the walk back Matt and I were discussing the massive mess that awaited us on our return to Apt. 212 and so I decided that it was time to suck it up and deal with it, so we swing by CVS, grab some cleaning supplies and head home were we scrub Apt. 212 to a new level of still shocks. As we also released the cleaning beast within Nathan we were able to clean are apartment more than we ever thought possible. We then collapsed, but oh shit it was 5PM and we had made dinner plans and so off we ventured for some of the best food I have had all summer and cupcakes! Hopefully there will be a repeat very, very, very soon. Like right now. But we did manage to catch a nap when we returned home.
Around 9ish Matt, Nathan, Bree and I headed over to the Blumpkinn (it's a house, it's not what you think) and met Aud
Then in a smart collegiate move we finished off a handle of vodka, straight from the bottle. You know the kind of stuff your mom told you not to do when you went to college (Sorry
and made our way to Brick Street (I protested to deaf ears...FML!)
Brick Street was okay?, we pretty much stayed outside and off the STD ridden floor as much as possible. Afterward Bree, Nathan and I walked Audree back, on the way I acquired a sign advertising the Rumble at the River. I was excited. Sadly I dropped it when we saw the cops so they didn't question us. But do not worry, much to the protest of Bree and I, Nathan attempted to suggest stealing every single thing we passed from broken fences, to street signs, to display items in front of Ace Hardware. But do not worry we made it home and I instantly passed out, full and happy.
Sunday I woke up, kind of early? Had kickass pancakes and spent most of the day at the library with Matt (not in the same bed), working on stuff and attempting to write my paper.FAIL. So none the less while I could have finished the paper in an hour I ended up staying up until 2am. I was very tiered today, but it was done and turned in and everyone is happy.
I get to go do a photo shoot for intramural sports now...we will see how that goes.
Peace Out!
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