Saturday, July 25, 2009


So I feel like a few things need to be clarified.
First, I wish Matt would stop lying about everything and just embrace the truth. It makes me sad to think that he can not admit to anything. Ha I love causing problems.
Second, margarita night is a lot of fun and even better with Tour Guides, and even better when followed by the cinematography master piece that is Troll 2. You should watch it yourself if you do not believe me.
Third, I wish Matt would not blame Troll 2 for his dreams when it was really the copious amount of champagne that he drank that most likely caused the bad dreams.
Fourth, in my opinion, Operation is a lot of fun with drinking involved and when you get to torture Laura Flamm at the same time.
Five, I learned from dinner on Thursday that I could never be a vegetarian.

Yesterday was Friday, it was probably the first day that felt like July in a long time (today feels cold again). I worked and got a lot done and that made me happy. I also toured twice. That was definitely an adventure seeing as how I wasn't up for it and had an a-hole of a father on the tour who asked a million questions but didn't pay attention to anything. I do not like him.
Then I walked home and napped curled up in a ball on the futon for a few hours and went to dinner with Bree and Matt at Qdoba...yum :-)! Afterwards we went back to 212 and Sam came up to visit us and we all went to Skippers to meet up with Avery, Alex and Kristel and the Kahlil came too and Shawna drove up for a little bit and then Eric met us there. and there was fun to be had by all. (and by fun I mean drinks).
Oh yes on the way up I tripped and gashed my toe open again and there was blood everywhere. Sadly I was sober this time :-( But Matt and Sam rescued me and Matt made a heroic run to CVS and endured talks of menstruation to bring me band-aids and gauze so I could make it to Kristel's and soak my cut in some Vodka and then off to Skippers to drink away the pain (and as Kristel sadly added - "All of life's pains.")
We basically just sat up there for several hours but it was a ridiculous amount of fun. Just watching everyone interact and such. Avery texted me several quotes she said I needed to put on here so here you go:
"I'm on a boat and its going moderately fast and..."
"Also she is royalty. She's like the queen of the lollipop guiled."
"Oh that makes sense oxygen and hydrogen are in a bar they are attracted to each other."
There were more we do not remember. Then we walked home enjoying Bagel & Deli the whole way.
There should be a fun week coming up. I am waiting for my phone to die so it will stop being dumb. Newport? Exams :-( Potluck! Birthdays! and Canoe trips! YEAH! Stay tuned for awesomeness.

Peace out!