Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8 1947 – Reports are broadcast that a UFO crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico.

So if you paid attention to your clock at 12:34:56 on 7/8/9 you got to see 123456789 occur, pretty sweet right?

Class, readings, papers, sim city, honors office, tours have pretty much dominated my week so far. Stuff started going down in Geo as we talked about food insecurity and the whole whose fault is it debate emerged and people started yelling at each other, those our my favorite classes.

I wish you could all physically be in 212 the conversations that occurs are absolutely ridiculous, if I could remember all or any of them I would share, sadly I can not, though hopefully Matt and Eric can. The ready of Cosmo sure helped us learn a lot and now the Pine-sol woman has a permanent place on our'd have to see it to truly understand. Thankfully I found the image on-line so we can all enjoy!

So I was thinking at the Fireworks on Sunday that if animals attacked in a mass organized assault we would all be in a lot of trouble. For example take an organized herd of deer in their natural habitat, attacking a bunch of humans distracted by shiny objects (FIREWORKS!) with on weapons. What could we do but run, we'd all be trampled and be forced into the lake, if they ban together with other species (thinking ducks) we'd be trapped. And it's possible, they may be planning now and we would be helpless if we were surprised, think guerrilla warfare at its finest. Point is be nice to nature, because they have the upper hand (once they form complex communication, overcome natural instinct and learn everything about us in order to band together and form a well executed attack - but when that happens we're screwed!)

I don't care if it makes me seem like a small child I am freaking pumped!

Tour guide social tonight, hopefully no bloody toes but fun stories...

Peace Out!

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