Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1, 1980 – O Canada officially becomes the national anthem of Canada

Eric hates me -- but I just want to be friends and I guess he doesn't care. This upsets me a lot. Hopefully this will change. (I had a dream last night where Matt keyed Eric's car - I hope it doesn't come to that for me - I do not know what this dream happened but it did).

It's July 1st that is kind of weird cause summer is about half over and I do not want to even think about what will happen after that.

So, I went into work today and was feeling pretty good. So naturally when I went to go tour I was in a good mood. So I grabbed my group and they seemed excited to be there and everything was going well, they laughed at the house signs etc, etc. And then we got into King Library and everything died and the fact that 4 of the 6 students knew each other did not help. They basically just hung out in the back the whole time and dicked around, realistically I was giving the tour to two families and some mildly interested parents. WTF And then one of those students who could care less gave me a 2 goods on my evaluation, just a good! (For those of you who do not know it ranks from Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair and Poor in 3 categories) I always get excellents with the occasional very good (as does everyone else). Well, Kristel and I were looking over our evaluations and saw we both received goods and I knew who gave it to me, she didn't even pay attention at all - I hate least a little. It is absolutely ridiculous, if I ever got a Fair I would have to quit. And they didn't even ask questions, so how do they know what I know, you can not give a good when I don't know what type of questions you want answered. This was complete bull, bogus and all of that, I'm still pissed if you can't tell (and on top of that Eric still hates me). Oh well the next day will be better and we have a tour guide social tomorrow to fix all those problems.

Class is going good, no wait I'm not going to use that awful word anymore, class is going between Very Good and Excellent. He's a great professor and so two hours really fly by like no one's business. Plus it's a geography class which instantly means I'm excited and for all of you who are pulling the "well isn't that just maps" you have a lot of learn, that is cartography, not geography. I also realized I am the only one in Apt. 212 who does not do the whole science thing, I got to defend the humanities. And Geography is one of the most multi-faceted fields out there covering everything from the physical landscape, to culture, to history, to political development etc etc, those GPS devices that get you everywhere would not be possible without us. Sorry, I feel that I have to defend.(AIM, Firefox and iTunes keep wanting me to update, I don't have time)

And for Eric's information I am a great writer, it is all I do in my classes and I get A's. This is not a research paper, I do not care how confused you may be Eric.

Peace Out!

A lot happened on July 1st in history and I couldn't pick just one random fact so here you go:
1881 – The world's first international telephone call is made between St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada, and Calais, Maine, United States.
1908SOS is adopted as the international Distress signal
1931United Airlines begins service (as Boeing Air Transport).
1943Tokyo City merges with Tokyo Prefecture and is dissolved. Since then, no city in Japan has had the name "Tokyo". (Present-day Tokyo is not a city.)
1963ZIP Codes are introduced for United States mail.
1979Sony introduces the Walkman.
1984 – The PG-13 rating is introduced by the MPAA.

You might not care and Eric will probably make fun of me, but hey I think it's cool

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