Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ye of little faith

Ok. So here's the deal. After our campus tours, we encourage our tourists to fill out evaluation forms to get an idea of things we could improve. It also serves as a convenient way to collect accolades. I was reading through my evaluations from yesterday's tour, and saw one that read:

"Matt was very funny! :)"

I, of course, had always known that I have a certain humor which appeals to people on a tour, and seems to be at its best when demonstrated in front of a group of strangers. Others were less believing. Of course, they're way beneath me on the experience ladder. So, upon hearing some of my stock material (the sundial tells the weather, single first-years are housed in Bachelor Hall, walking in sandals should be quite a "feet," etc.), they were convinced that I gave the corniest tours ever. Nevermind that I hold Tour Guide of the Month for February 2008...

So when I saw the evaluation that proclaimed my hilarity, I took it and posted it up on the bulletin board in the office along with a post-it note reading "For the non-believers." When I returned to the office after my tour, I found the post-it vandalized, reading something along the lines of "don't write your own evals!!" or "yeah like this wasn't you!" or "." Since I know at least two tour guides read this semi-regularly (?), I'll take the time to offer them a free shadow of any tour I give so they might observe and be inspired.

Also brought to my attention today was the somewhat annoying and very much untrue belief held by some tour guides that Matt Forrest and I share the same bed. Listen. Just because we tend to a) arrive in pairs to tours and tour guide get-togethers; b) occassionally wear nearly-matching clothing on accident; or c) look damn good, this does not mean that we are sharing a bed. If you still don't believe me, then come on over and share my bed--and you will not find another Matt. However, if you choose to believe the Flammist theory that we don't share a bed but instead have matching racecar beds, then why don't you pony up and buy us a set? Those would be sweet.

I just registered for the GRE. I take it in a week. I should probably review geometry.


  1. (I expect to see this at the top of your blog in a matter of minutes)

    The Musings of 212 has been added to mud, mary jane, and mandolin music as a must have "m" of summer.
    -2/25 of Western

  2. There will only be one Matt, but depending on what you look like there may be an Eric
