Sunday, July 19, 2009

Our Nathan of the Immaculate Apartment

I know most of you are avid readers and have already read part I of this III-part update, but if you haven't, do so.

After Molly left apt212 for some superawesomespectacular camp thing she's working at, several things happened. Matt and I gave tours, bringing my total number of tours given to five over a three day period. When we arrived at the CAB, I was pretty much over my small hangover from the night before, especially after waking up at 8am to prepare breakfast before Molly left. I think she doubted my sincerity when I said I would, but she doesn't understand the bond between me and my 8" non-stick skillet. It's quite strong.

While walking back from the CAB after touring, Matt suggested we finally invest in some mild cleaning supplies (i.e. Clorox wipes). We arrived back at apt212 to Nathan laying cockeyed on the futon, apparently quite comfortable, and decided to get some cleaning done. I also wanted to do some laundry, as my plan to wash clothes the evening before was shattered to tiny bits. So we set to work.

What I hadn't realized, however, was that Nathan is a cleaning freak fanatic beast. I don't remember the exact order of how it went down, but apt212 went from looking like a clusterf**k to looking nice and picked up. Although Eric was saddened, no--angered, by the loss of 22 blue Solo cups, the necessary loss aided in our cleaning. I set to work scrubbing the floor of the kitchen (gross linoleum) with several Clorox wipes, all of which became pitch black. Nathan ran the vacuum, Matt wiped down the bathroom sinks (we have two) and some other furniture. We waited for some dishes to dry while I went to get my laundry from the basement.

I return to apt212 and Nathan is on a whole new kick; he's cleaning the stovetop, scrubbing the plates under the burners, and doing other over-the-top cleaning activities. We had awakened the beast. He probably cleaned for another hour and all we could do was watch. He turned yellowed buttoms back to their factory-issued white gleam, and now I can see myself in the kitchen sink. I almost can't wait to stand around in the kitchen.

Nathan: Official apt212 cleaning consultant

We headed to a friend's apartment for dinner, which was very good. It marked the longest-running streak of "wow, good food" that I had seen all summer. Afterwards, we headed back to apt212, watched some of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, then headed to an impromptu tour guide get-togther. We dragged Nathan and Bree with us...

...and you'll hear all about it in the final, penultimate post III of III to wrap up the weekend. Don't expect it until late tomorrow; we're leaving the library to head back to apt212, which is still without internet.

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